Shochat, Yitzhak (Itzik)

Shochat, Yitzhak (Itzik)

Son of Attal and Dov, was born in Kostopol, Russia, in 1934. Immediately after graduating from elementary school, he immigrated to Israel and lived in his aunt’s home in Jerusalem, where his parents remained abroad and perished there during the Holocaust. In 1936 he joined the agricultural school in Mikvah Israel and studied there for three years, where he also served as a guard and since then he was an active member of the Haganah and completed his studies as an officer and joined the “Harish” cooperative and worked as a tractor operator in various locations in Israel, Especially in the Negev, where he lived permanently in Haifa, where he contracted the stretching of the lower vertebrae of the spinal cord and lay for several months in a cast, He was seriously wounded in the head, tortured for a week at the Hadassah Hospital in Tel Aviv and died of his wounds on Friday, On the 13th of June 1948. He was laid to rest at the Nahalat Yitzhak Military Cemetery. After his fall, he was promoted to lieutenant.

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