Shnitsky, Tuvia

Shnitsky, Tuvia

Son of Yosef and Karsla. He was born on the 14th of Adar, March 6, 1947 in the city of Ulm, Germany. The family immigrated to Israel in 1949. He attended the Katznelson Elementary School in Givatayim, and continued his high school studies at the Kalai School. He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement. His hobbies were painting, and playing the violin, mandolin and a harmonica. During his free time, he liked to read a lot. In August 1965, he was drafted into the IDF. During his regular service, he was in the Golani reconnaissance unit, where he underwent a course of driving, parachuting, sniping, and a few other courses. He was very fond of nature, and expressed this in the spectacular landscapes of the various corners of the country. He tried to do what was best for him, and often volunteered to carry out special missions. He rarely came home because he did not try to evade any role he was given, but despite the difficulties, he was never resentful. He fell in the line of duty on the 28th of Cheshvan, November 27, 1967. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The commander of his unit wrote in a letter of condolence to his family, saying that “Tuvia took part in the Six-Day War, in conquering the Golan Heights, and participated in all its activities and events. His memory was written in “The Book of the Fallen” published by the Givatayim Municipality.

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