Shnebel, Arie (Leon)

Shnebel, Arie (Leon)

Son of Zelig (Sigmund) and Miriam. He was born on the 28th of Tishrei 5708 (October 12, 1947) in Poland and immigrated with his family to Israel in 1957. He was a member of the Maccabi sports organization Holon and was one of the best soccer players. He studied at the Arlozorov Elementary School (from the seventh grade), spent two years at the Kiryat Malachi Community Center and studied two years at the vocational high school in Kfar Vitkin, and was always open to friends who admired him for his positive qualities. He was quiet, courteous, kind and pleasant, never raised his voice, insulted others, and respected the older ones, he was cheerful and had a sense of humor and knew how to hide pain and worry so as not to cause grief to those who loved him. , And especially the little children whom he loved and which they brought back to him.Leon was drafted into the IDF in February 1966 and during the days of the song And he excelled as a good and disciplined soldier. After his release from regular service he would go to reserve duty as he was called, and at the end of January 1970 he was called up for reserve duty. On February 6, 1970, two weeks after leaving for service, he fell in the area of ​​the Suez Canal in an encounter with enemy soldiers. Lay a wife, parents and brother. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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