Shmuelov, Nathan

Shmuelov, Nathan

Son of Chana and Shmuel, was born on January 15, 1928 in the city of Alexandria, Egypt. When he was about a year old, his parents immigrated to Israel and settled in Tel Aviv. After completing his studies at the elementary school of Kol Israel Haverim, he decided to move to practical life immediately. “Good experience from the studies,” – he said. At first he worked as a clerk at Socony and Com, and after a short time moved to work as an agent and later as a partner in his father’s shop and attended evening classes at the Pittman School. In his circle of friends he stood out for his achievements in sports, and as a cheerful boy who played and whistled. With the outbreak of the War of Independence he joined the army, served in the Givati ​​Brigade and was proud of his service. On 13 March 1948 a convoy of 12 vehicles was organized to break through the road and bring supplies to Gat and Gal’on. The convoy passed the villages of Iraq-Suwaidan and Faluja, but at the exit from Faluja they encountered a checkpoint and fire. As the battle progressed, the convoy continued on the road towards Iraq al-Manshiyya, instead of heading for the road to the winepress. At the same time, the Magat Brigade set up a block to prevent enemy reinforcements from Iraq to Manshiyya and its members rushed towards the convoy to return it to the lane. The convoy members thought to the Arabs and opened fire at them. In this battle he fell on the day of Adar 2, 5708 (13 March 1948.) He was buried in Gethsemane on the 15th of Cheshvan 5706 (15.1.1949) and was transferred to the eternal resting place of the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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