Shmuel Akiva Weiss

Shmuel Akiva Weiss

The son of Tzippora and Aryeh, Shmuel was born on August 13, 1982 in Elon Moreh, in Samaria. The fourth son in a family of nine – a brother to Shlomo, Moshe, Fethiye, Yitzhak, Nehemiah, Ayala, Tamar and Yiska. A beautiful boy, blond curls, and his blue eyes playing and singing love. Shmuel’s childhood began in Elon Moreh, where he attended kindergarten. At the age of six, the family moved to Kiryat Arba. Shmuel acquired his basic education in the Talmud Torah in the Yishuv and was a member of the Ariel youth movement. In seventh and eighth grades, he studied at the junior high school of the high school yeshiva in Kiryat Arba, did his high school studies at a yeshiva for young people near Merkaz Harav, and lived as a boarding school counselor in Bnei Akiva in the Mevasseret Zion branch. Shmuel was loved by all his friends and teachers for his unique personality: pleasant, humble, honest, loving Torah, and investing in studies and searching for the truth in every area of ​​his life. From an early age, he discovered independence, knew how to manage everywhere, and took responsibility for others – such as his brothers and sisters, and also his students – for them he was a paternal, educational and social figure. Rabbi Yerachmiel Weiss, the Rosh Yeshiva, describes Shmuel: “You come from a house that is soaked and blessed with the values ​​of Torah, faith, ideals, Eretz Yisrael and pleasantness. With God – in the Torah, with God – in prayer, with God – with faith – with God – with gentleness – with people – what a friend you were, how pleasant you were, how good you were … ” I’m coming to study with him … Gemara, an issue from Tractate Bava Metzia, Shmuel is waiting for my arrival, so excited when I arrive, so pleasant to talk to, so pleasant to learn with. All good… ” , Testify, was the social glue, that’s all gather around. Music was an added taste of his busy life. Shmuel played the trumpet and the track recorder, sang well, and even set up a band that played in all the Rosh Chodesh events. In addition to studying the Bible, Shmuel was particularly interested in studying Jewish history, and even more so in studying the Holocaust. He read a lot – military history books, but also quite a few classical ones, and liked to have deep conversations with his classmates. At the end of the eighth year, Shmuel enrolled in the “Ayelet Hashachar” Yeshiva in Eilat – a yeshiva dedicated to promoting and adding spiritual, educational, community and welfare courses in the city. With pleasure and diligence, he learned in Elul’s time, but because he felt that he was unable to exhaust himself, or as he put it: “My inability to cope with the tremendous difficulties in searching for self to discover the inner truth.” After much deliberation, And enlist. The first half of the year he spent until the conscription was devoted initially to construction work, but he was still preoccupied with matters of faith, so he decided to return to study, this time at the Meir Institute in Jerusalem. On the 12th of Shvat 5761, he writes: “… I am now closing a week at the Meir Institute, and in the meantime the feeling is wonderful … The Institute came just in time for me to answer the pressing questions and give me time to focus on the halakha …” Avigdor wrote to me about the possibility that he would jump here for a week to get an answer to two or three specific questions, and I tried to explain to him that life does not work this way, especially with faith, that it’s like a thread that you catch And then he runs away, and then you grab him again stronger … In short it does not blow and we’re done. ” “When I was in the outside world, all I wanted was to go back to dealing with myself,” Shmuel wrote.Your ability to act and give. What gives me so much strength is the Torah I have learned and the understanding of the importance of the army, the importance of protecting the Jewish people, especially at this difficult time … “On the 12th of Adar 5761 (12 March 2001), a day after Purim, Shmuel enlisted in the IDF, 51 of the Golani Brigade – the First Pioneers Regiment, and began on the warrior track. Throughout the journey, he showed great motivation, physical strength and mental strength, although he missed his yeshiva friends very much. On Sukkot 5761, he wrote to a friend who enlisted: “Brother, the army is no laughing matter. “In the difficult moments that still exist, you will always remember your true friends …” And another time he wrote: “They told us that slowly the friendship gets weaker, but in my case everyone is locked up and remembered, and the longing is much stronger than I thought it would be …” , He writes: “I start to feel what ‘tahina’ is and it’s hard, but as someone who requires others and allows himself to give them advice, I have to stay here and show myself that I am capable. “Shmuel’s commanders recognized his qualities and recommended that he be sent to a paramedics course. He did not like this, because he really wanted to go to a squad commanders’ course – and maybe even to the officer = – and knew that service as a medic would prevent him from doing so. “I really want to work with young people in the near future,” he stated in one of his letters. “As I see it now, after the army, I’ll go to study at the Meir Institute and maybe I’ll try to teach at some institution.” Finally, Shmuel agreed, and went to the paramedics’ course. “Only after your death,” wrote his friend in the army, Amichai Levi, “did we understand the heroism that was in your life, because a hero is the one who gets stronger and you, Shmuel, showed us what it is to cope and overcome. When you need to volunteer for kitchen duty, carry the jerrycan, to keep up the dreary hours, and until you go to a paramedic course – you get over the little voice that says ‘Forget you, why do you need it?’ “In the fall-winter of 2002, during the paramedics course, Shmuel wrote in his notebook:” … I am happy that I was born in a religious society. People are much more sensitive to us. This does not mean that there are no secular people who are gentle and fun to talk to, but the secular world is much more personal, meaning that everyone cares for himself, even if sometimes one has to step on the other. ” “I have a question of what strategy to take to win a squad commanders’ course. It’s burning in my bones … “At the end of the paramedics’ course, Shmuel returned to the company, and against his will, was sent to the auxiliary company:” A professional medic who would not compromise on his professionalism returned to us, “testified his commander, All along you have been a symbol and model for all of us. Commanders and friends alike. ‘Me’ icon. Uncompromising readiness for any mission. In any situation. Always looking for and finding out where you can help more, donate more. A symbol of honesty and decency. You were disgusted by any manifestation of hypocrisy and lack of truth. You always wanted to know the whole truth, even when it was less pleasant. “The period of Shmuel’s service, during the height of the terror of the al-Aqsa intifada, was characterized by intensive operational activity, the Golani Brigade led an offensive line and occupied the Jenin, Tulkarem and Muqata refugee camps “I heard in the newspaper that the chief of staff said that the Golani brigade is number one in the IDF,” writes Shmuel. “This statement brings a lot of pride in the heart, but always remember that the brigade does not make you”. On the night of Pesach 5762, following the terrorist attack at the Park Hotel in Netanya, the IDF launched Operation Defensive Shield, which was intended to damage the Palestinian terrorist infrastructure, Nineteen, on April 8, 2002. Before the first light, the company’s reconnaissance unit encountered a planned ambush by terrorists, and the fire that had been directed at them forced the fighters to retreat to cover. Sergeant Mtanya Rabinsan, who was caught in a narrow alley with sniper fire, was wounded and fell, and the medic, who came under crossfire to rescue Matanya, was himself wounded by a Palestinian sniper and was also killed in October 2002. De Brigadier General Abraham Mizrachi, who articulated the words, “Samuel showed professionalism, determination and devotion to duty while demonstrating courage and desire to save lives.” Shmuel was laid to rest on Holocaust Memorial Day at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by parents, five brothers and three sisters. After his fall he was promoted to sergeant. His mother told him, “… Shmuel received a precious quality of humility, a hidden and deep trait that now enlightens me, and he recognized his value without being arrogant.” Shmuel told me about his reception with the battalion commander after completing a paramedics course. Ask: ‘What do you have to tell about yourself?’ And Shmuel answered: ‘Nothing special …’ … We felt that his presence was bringing about unity, calm and peace. “I bless HaShem for the right that Shmuel had to fight respectfully on this land for all its borders, a right that six million of our people did not have.” His younger brother Yitzhak told him: “Shmuel, my half brother. Who will support? Who will play the trumpet? Who will hug? Who will tell about the battles? Who will smile? In your life, you were the glue in the family and your death fell on the battle between the connection between the people and the land. “My son Samuel … I came to Israel and planted a sapling. The plant was small and soft so I made a windscreen for the plant, I fertilized the soil, planted the sapling and the plant planted roots, plant and flower flower. So beautiful, so sweet plant, and the plant called Samuel. And thieves came murderers and uprooted my sapling !! And then I realized that it was not a seedling that I had planted, but a gift I had received, from God’s mercy, a gift so sweet, so special. Now I return the deposit. … It’s hard for me to talk about Shmuel, all the calmness and serenity, the integrity and humility, the animals and the grace, the kindness. … “David Shaki told him:” … I was privileged, Shmuel, to be your commander, the way of the world. A soldier looks at his commander, learns from his ways, and traces his leadership. You probably did not notice, but more than you noticed – we looked. More than you learned – we learned. … Blessed is the pure spring who raised such a fine tree. I am sure that his fruits will taste for many more generations. “Rabbi Yerachmiel Weiss’s eulogy:” … Shmuel had a good eye. … His eyes, these lively, curious, deep, laughing, lively eyes, questioning and answering. … The whole personality radiates from this deep vision …. You were a real idealist. You were straight through. Go straight with yourself, and go to serve God’s face. … have lent you to us for a number of years so beautiful and pleasant, building and doing. … You were strong, and we will continue to be strong in your footsteps. Hello sweetie. ” His friend Hillel Vidal said:” My dear brother! … A good friend like you is really hard to find … Your humility is something we will always remember. You have shown us how a person can change and grow up in the wonderful sense of the thing – an ability that comes from faith in life, from the joy of life you had in abundance, and from the wonderful integrity that was so strong in you … we are certain we will win. And you, who gave as much as you can give, you’re different” This is not the victory that will come.” His brother Petachia: “Shmuel, you were so precious, so important. You were the middle brother of the family, the one who is always good to be with, the one who knows the wisdom to compromise and make peace, the one who is comfortable, the fraternal and the evil you radiated, and the comfort of knowing others. “Peace be upon you, peace be upon you, peace of rest, which you knew so well to have here in a lower entourage, so now you will make peace in the entourage of the Lord …” We have learned from you on the day of your death, the actual sanctification of the Lord, the help of others, the smile even when the joy and joy of life … and we promise to implement it and pass it on to those who come after us, to the fighters who unfortunately have more work left to do … ” Kiss: “If there’s something we miss the most, it’s your smile, your conquering smile, the smile that always got you into trouble, but a smile that always made the saddest person happy. You have left us hope to continue to fight for our freedom, and always keep our values ​​even with our worst enemies. You loved them all, no matter religion, race or sex, and so did everyone. … “Every one of us has a little Shmuel who helps us in the most difficult moments …” “… the way you were killed was a natural continuation of the heroism with which you lived,” wrote his friend. “To face the danger, to see it … I think that giving was so deeply entrenched in you, with such naivety, with joy, without much explanation … “In memory of Shmuel, the Ayelet Hashachar Yeshiva in Eilat took out the booklet” Forty-Eight Degrees of Torah Acquisition ” Rabbi Eli Bazak in the talks of Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook zt “l by Rabbi Eli Bazak. Shmuel’s family and friends founded the association “Gilad to Shmuel Akiva Weiss”, which is dedicated to his commemoration, and in 2005 he published the book Ein Ganim: Jewish History in Jenin, written by Aharon Orbach, Uriel Sharabi and Amichai Merhavia The second in 2006. The book is available at http://www.tsel.org/aynganim/. “It does not take me an hour to think about Shmuel,” his father wrote, two years after his fall, “and not a day goes by when I do not think about what he did, and that this power is with us. It is a force that is in us … “

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