Shmuel Abless

Shmuel Abless

Son of Zehava and Moshe, was born in 1923 or 1925 in the city of Salonika, Greece. Upon the conquest of Greece by the Germans, he was transferred to one of the labor camps in Germany. Was one of the remains of the extermination camps. In 1946 he arrived in Israel, without his parents, on the illegal immigrant ship Haviva Reik. He worked in a restaurant in Tel Aviv. When the war broke out he volunteered among the Rishonim and served in the Etzioni Brigade in Jerusalem. He fell in battle on the “Nachshon” outpost, next to the Tzuba quarry in the vicinity of the Castel, on the 5th of Adar 5748 (April 5, 1948). His body was found two days later and was brought to Castel on May 5, 1948. He was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem. On the 13th of Elul 5711 (13.9.1951) he was put to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl.

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