Shmeltz, Nachum

Shmeltz, Nachum

Son of Devorah and Moshe He was born on February 25, 1917, in the city of Olavsk, Russia, where he studied at a high school in Rovno and immigrated to Israel in 1935 with his younger sisters. In 1938 he resigned from this service, got married and settled in Kiryat Haim, where he served as a sergeant in the Israel Railways and served as a sergeant in the Railroad Police, and was active in the Haganah in 1946. In the War of Independence he served In the 7th Brigade, he trained new recruits in Ein Shemer, and from there was sent to the Latrun Division, and on 31.5.1948 he went on patrol as commander of a reconnaissance squad and on his return to the base he boarded a mine (he alone because he went first) Who died the next day, on the 16th of Iyar 5708 (June 1, 1948) at the Hadassah Hospital in Tel Aviv, was brought to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery and left a wife and a young daughter. .

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