Shlomo, Noa

Shlomo, Noa

Daughter of Fanny and Joseph. She was born on Simchat Torah on the 29th of Tishrei 5743 (29.9.1983) in Nahariya. A nurse for Inbal and Yael. Noa grew up and was educated in Nahariya. She began her studies at the Weizmann School and stood out as a good student who excelled in the social field. She completed her high school studies at the “Amal Nahariya” comprehensive urban school, where she studied film and television. Noa was born to dance. From the age of five, she studied dance and later became a talented dancer who stood out in the field of classical ballet. Through the dance Noa gave expression to the beauty of life, and did so in her modest and quiet way – but powerful. “Quiet water penetrates deep,” defined Elki Kassif, the director of the Amal Dance Company of the Amal School, who received Noa for the band. “Noa came to audition for the band with many more girls, whose dream is to dance and perform, to express their mobility. In the test, each one trying to stand out and show how good she was, Noa stood out for her inner quiet, her modesty and her unwillingness to stand out, and her eyes spoke, and Noa captivated my heart and became part of the band. For every possible mission, and especially the memory of her endless love for the band, from exhausting rehearsals to performances and more And a performance … three years of together, like a family, a lot of rehearsals and performances, two trips abroad, and a lot of experiences and memories. “Noa’s life revolved around the dance and around the media, in which she turned out to be a talented photographer.In the sea of ​​rehearsals, Noa joined the IDF on December 30, 2001 and was assigned to the Border Police. After training, she took a course at the Border Police and served in the Border Police unit at the Allenby Bridge, where she performed her duties as a Border Police officer with responsibility and loyalty, and helped prevent the entry of hostile elements into Israel, but she looked forward to the future and made many plans. Noa did not manage to realize … A terrorist attack took her life, and since then everything has fallen … Noa fell in a terrorist attack at the Yagur junction on April 10, 2002. That morning she boarded an Egged bus on line 960, Who sat next to her good friend, the police officer Keren Franco, with whom she had served since she was drafted, and a few minutes later, at the Yagur junction, A suicide bomber carrying a suicide bomber carrying five soldiers and a civilian was killed, along with Noa and Keren, who were killed. First sergeant Shimshon Stalakul, Sergeant Major Shlomi Ben-Haim, Sergeant Nir Danieli, – Sergeant Ze’ev Hanik, Sergeant Michael Weisman, and citizen Avinoam Alfia Noa, eighteen and a half years old, was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya, leaving two parents and two sisters. “We do not really know where to start. Perhaps, because you do not understand how we can talk about you in the past tense, how can we express the words – Noa and Keren, of blessed memory … Not a week has passed yet and we are still not digesting, not understanding, not wanting to understand … You were always smiling – the smile of the two of you that will not be erased from our memory, your innocent smile that will no longer be seen around us … Last week we were in two funerals, girlfriends burying girlfriends, young girls, another funeral The funeral of your parents, echoThe money of your families and the sorrow of your loved ones will not be erased from our memory for a long time. … Noa and Karen, even when the days pass and months pass, you will always be part of us, always in our hearts, always carrying you in our thoughts. Our friends, we hope you are together, up there, watching over us. We will never forget you, our angels. “After Noa’s death, many letters of consolation were received in her family, including letters of condolence sent to Yehuda LaKari, Noa’s uncle, who was Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations. Hillary Clinton, the wife of former US President Bill Clinton, wrote: “I send my condolences to the death of your niece, Noa Shlomo, and I look forward to the day when the violence and the promise of a young woman like Noa will be realized in peace and harmony.” Condolences and feelings of solidarity were also sent by Miguel Moratinos, who was the special envoy of the European Union to the Middle East; Mr. John Bennett, President of the Senate in New Jersey; Mr. Tom Daskell, a member of the Senate, and other personalities. Three months after the disaster, Alki, the principal and choreographer of the Amal Nahariya dance troupe, spoke about the final performance, “Derech Ashan”, which concluded the three years in which Noa danced in the band: “In this end performance I separated from Noa and six other graduates. And tears come down from her eyes.When I asked, ‘Why are you crying?’ She replied, ‘I’m sad because I’m saying goodbye to you,’ and I said that she had finished school, but we are not separate. “I want the whole world to know that every word that was said about Noa is engraved in the rock – we lost an amazing personality.” In a farewell letter to me, Noa ended the sentence, “I already miss.” I miss you and will always miss you. ” Pani, Noa’s mother, writes: “Crying is an expression of emotion, pain is a complex of feelings, and letters are a combination of words … I cry, hurt and write … In the endless expanse of sorrow one by one the fragments of memories rise, The cycle of bereavement, pain and loneliness … The storm of emotions bursts out, strikes, strikes, leaving behind a path of tears, shivers and deep sorrow. In the heart, they float and rise in the mist of dawn, in the first light, and never fade at nightfall, the days change in months, the months change in years, but the pain is still sharp, And long way … a cracked, winding road that leads to the familiar shadow, the shadow of nothing … between storm and storm envelops the mourner and carries it heavy on the shoulder and continues the journey to the dream … If I could be a bird, deploy a wing And fly to heaven … but … I am not a bird … I am amputated wing, feather-plucked, soul-plucked. ” In memory of Noa, Shenhav Kimchi wrote the song “Angel’s Smile”: “And now she is dancing the last dance, / on the broken glass and the blood stains … / walking for white clouds, a white dress, a shroud dress, / on her little body. , / Who does not want her to stop, / the soft and soft body playing, / dancing on the clouds of smoke, / with her eyes shining, / and on her face the smile of an angel … and down, they all cry / into white nights / shed their tears. Go down and dance to them / a last dance, / a farewell dance, / reminding them that she is still here. // And she is silent, / letting go of her eyes / / And on the cheek falls a tear /”I sit here and look at the many people who come in, looking around and not understanding, not believing that I am sitting in your room crying over your grave. Perhaps God understands how to take the most beautiful flower in life, an eighteen and a half year old flower who has not done anything in life yet. What did she do to you, God, that you could not keep alive? … I believe there is a life after you die, I’ll open my eyes and look sideways, maybe I’ll be able to recognize your laughter and your smile. “In 2004, Penny wrote the song” Life in the Shadow of Nothing “:” In my life, I will never forget you, Two years have passed and you are not with me, Noa, / looking up at the sky and looking at every movement, trying to imagine a stranger in my mind. Two years passed, and I was left behind, to the journey of my torment for endless nights and days. / In my dream I saw you walking on a rare path / walking, with a slight touch, to me in a spectacular dance. // Two years have passed, and the memories are rising, / In eternal panic, the mind is flooding. / Crying until the loss of breath, / and wondering where comfort comes from. // Noa Shelly, on a spring day, / lift your last gaze into a mountainous landscape. / I experience the shock of my day, / facing the abyss that opens in my life / looking up at the sky and looking at every movement, / in my imagination, in my dream, wanting to see you Noa … “In 2005, three years after Noa’s fall, In which there are intertwined segments of the dance performances she has starred with the memories of her mother, her friends, and Elki, the director of the dance company, and a poem written in memory of Noa Duda Yehuda: “I saw you, a girl, the beauty of your youth / / Generously and tenderly / flowing in your corridors to rare areas / with a tiny touch / a step between one and the other, // see you, Noa, in Segav Kesem / / As a dancing princess curator her steps / nobly and majestically / asks your people to the heavenly caressing / tender ride / a step between there and no “I imagined you, a girl, the integrity of your journey / laughing for your last day / “On the four-year anniversary of the disaster:” A day is chasing the same day … With broken eyes that cracked in their tears, on the scarred ground I stray in the darkness. … Like a rocky pebble, the stone lies, with every heartbeat, crushing, suffocating in the throat … Noa’s mother has become real and powerful, and the great void constantly fills my mind, my mind, your deserted room, “Noa, my little girl, I miss the light of your life, I miss the light of your smile, and like a shining star, the length goes out …” On the fifth anniversary of Noa’s death, her family eulogized her: “Between the day that passes and the one that comes, five years have passed. Five years have passed and another spring is blossoming around us. We take the spring of your life in the light of your youth … And here we take the slowness of the continuous winter, the axis of our life revolves around your unattainable figure, imprisoned in a sea of ​​infinite sadness, in lonely, dreamlike solitude … In the oppressive distress of time, . We are burdened with grief, sinking into a memory that strengthens and does not fade. In the darkness of the clouds of helplessness and deformity, grooves are opened through which the old clarity enters into the now, into our wandering lives, straying in a dark, dark space that is too large for ever. Love and miss. “In March 2008, six years after the fall ofNoa, her mother wrote: “In the tunnels of the endless darkness of nothingness, time becomes a desolate wasteland in the eternity of itself, all standing motionless, in my burdened world there is no cure for the sufferings of longing and sorrow, only the heart of flame. I am awake, staring at the scars of light caught in my room, above my head, hearing your voice from somewhere, a touch away, with a handful of sky in my hands, imagining you … in a wall of unending blue brilliance Of the sky, above the last islands of the clouds, dancing with the precise precision of your movements, walking charmingly a smile on rare paths, dancing … the heart I call you in your name and my voice is lost, I am touched by the pallor of truth, paralyzed by pain, uprooting the roots of my soul, and like a skeleton leaving my soul pierced and fragile, planted in the navel From the pores of my skin there is a cry of sorrow and sorrow: in the light of dawn that creeps down my room, I carry the fragments of my body in my arms and pray to the Lord of distant heights from the offering of the measure of mercy. In March 2009, the mother wrote: “Every day that passes, erases the one that precedes it.” In his unchangeable way, the wheel rotates hollowly, burying another day, and so with a broad slowness of time gnawing at everything in its path, A dark star, drifting over the other half of the world and not knowing the truth … the truth of the whole region of knowledge that a single memory tower would puncture: the death-toe click on the life of your youth, the bud of the flower that would never be opened. : The mother’s moan, the tears of a father, the scream of brothers, the bereaved house of grief, the language of bereavement is a language of mind without dialects and expressions, without words. I feel trapped in the ropes of existence, and my body finds it difficult to direct its days to change their course, the sense of missed opportunity burns in me and tirelessly lays down the fibers of my battle, the twists of suffering clasp me to a tangled knot … Noa my child – The secret of the hidden, the self that forms the echo of the ego, the ego to the pain, and the pain to me. ” Noa is commemorated on an Internet site that was established in her memory, in which her resume, photos, and things in her memory appear. URL: http://www.gal-ed.org.il/ogda720/info/n_show.aspx?id=39427.

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