Shivton, Jac

Shivton, Jac

Esther and Shlomo’s eldest son. Jacques was born on August 10, 1939 in Alexandria, Egypt, to a family of five: four brothers and one sister. He studied at the Sun-Qatar School in Egypt. In September 1957, at the age of eighteen, Jacques immigrated to Israel with his family. The family settled in Holon. Jacques enlisted in the IDF and served in the Border Police on July 12, 1959. In December 1964, Jacques married Rosette Ozmo, who first lived in Bat Yam and then relocated to the city of Holon. In the course of his work with the Israel Police, Jacques worked in various capacities and progressed to the rank of advanced sergeant, serving thirty-six years in the Israel Police, years of endless love, pride and devotion. He died on February 24, 1995. He fell during his service, and was killed at the age of fifty-six, and he was laid to rest. Military cemetery in Holon. Is survived by his wife, six children and four grandchildren.

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