Shitobi, Sharon

Shitobi, Sharon

Son of Susan and Samuel. He was born on the 17th of Elul 5739 (17.9.1979), the fourth son of a five-boy family, brother to Nissim, Avi, Golan and Arik. Sharon was named after Arik Sharon. Curious, shy and blessed, he grew up and was educated in Ramle. Sharon completed his elementary studies at the Eshkol School, leaving a strong impression on everyone as a friendly child who loves to help others. The Amal 1 high school excelled in his studies and was admired by his many friends and teachers. Sharon was considered an apprentice in the field of computers and continued his studies in software engineering at the 13th grade, and despite his success in his studies, Sharon asked for his induction, and at the end of 13 years decided to stop his studies and enlist in an elite unit. Sharon was a loving son and brother who devoted many hours to spending time with his parents, brothers and relatives. He waited anxiously for the birth of his first nephew, but he did not have this Simcha moment. Sharon was an adventurer, a lover of challenges, always surrounded by many friends, to whom he was a good and loyal friend, always willing to help and give a hand to anyone who needed. He always sought to make peace between people, and made sure to resolve and resolve disputes between his friends and family, in the hope that all parties involved in the dispute would be Simcha and satisfied. Sharon, who was educated on the values ​​of patriotism, devotion and patriotism, rejected a summons to the computer unit and chose to continue the family tradition and join the combat unit, as his father and elder brother, and realize his desire to give the country the maximum. On September 25, 1997, Sharon was drafted into the IDF and served as a combat soldier in the ‘Gidon’ Brigade in the Golani Brigade, and in May 2000, when the IDF left Lebanon, Sharon was in the last convoy. His picture was posted in the media, waving the Israeli flag. Sharon won great respect among his commanders, who assigned him to an officers’ course. Sharon preferred to stay with his friends in the operational job, rather than going to an officers’ training course and training recruits. In the last conversation he held with the battalion commander, it was agreed that he would prepare for the forthcoming course for the officers’ course, and by then he would remain with his colleagues for operational employment in the Kfar Darom incubators. On Saturday, November 18, 2000, a terrorist infiltrated the greenhouse area in Kfar Darom. At five in the morning, while Sharon was on his way to wake his comrades on missions, he heard shots. He was shot in the head by Sharon, who was shot in the head by Sharon, who was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers, On November 20, 2000, Sharon died at the age of twenty-one and two months, and he was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Ramle. Survived by his parents and four brothers, and after his fall, Sharon was promoted to the rank of sergeant. In the lines of the personal inscription on his tombstone: “Sharon, hero and brave, all of us are hurting your departure. You are engraved in our hearts forever. ‘ When he left, many dreams that Sharon set out for civilian life after his army service were lost – to be a journalist, to travel abroad, and to marry his girlfriend, Yael The chief of staff, Major General Shaul Mofaz, writes to the family: “Sharon was a worthy candidate, He served as a combat soldier in Lebanon for a long period of time and participated as a combatant in the operation to leave Lebanon, and his comrades and commanders testified that he was honest and fair and that he could be relied on at all times. Volunteer and always stand at the head of the force. ” The commander of the unit, Lt. Col. Nir, adds: “Sharon was a Golani fighter who volunteered for every operational activity in the unit. He fought in outposts that penetrate deep into the security zone in Lebanon, and recently fought in the Gaza StripThe little finger of Gush Katif. In our last conversation, after returning from a class instructor course, we agreed that he would leave for officers’ training in a few weeks. I explained to Sharon that I was very interested in seeing him as an officer in the unit. “Sharon, you were more to me than you were, you were an angel, an angel who comes to guide us, and you are an angel,” says Arik, Sharon’s younger brother. Lift us, raise our heads and lead us. A man-shaped angel, a person who is sometimes also vulnerable, sensitive, helps. I was the only one in the family who was younger than you. The little distance between us helped me understand that if I got into trouble, I knew I’d be fine because you’d help me. Anyone who knew you or came into contact with you fell in love with you at once. Love at first sight, unconditional love, as if they felt that was what they would get from you. You were a hero for me, a superman of the soul, a hero of the movies or an old fairy tale told from generation to generation. A hero like Samson. My friends visited me and told me how proud they are of you, how heroic you are, and so too, you do not save 11 soldiers every day. You and Snir have become heroes of my life. A day will come when I will tell my sons and my other family a fairy tale about two fighters who fought, saved other people and died heroically. “Nirit, who was close to Sharon, writes to him:” A soldier of mine. And I found! I wanted to understand why I was standing here alone / frightened, cold and crying / my pale face filled with wrinkles / because I knew how hard life was./ The rotten tomato that was placed on the side / took out an egg like blood spilled / I felt the softness of my soul / It is empty / And then there was a huge blow / And I tried to find out the reason /? I do not know who suffers more, me or you? And I hoped that the answers would never be found. / Why your blood should have been shed? Why did not you cry? Why did your innocence have to be taken? I always love you. “The family published the book ‘Once a Man, Always an Angel’ in memory of Sharon. “It’s just annoying / I have so many words / And they do not get along / That there is love between friends / So many quarrels / Young recruits / Moms “I do not know anyone else who does so much nonsense.” Suicide bombings / of flames / ambulances scream / vehicle strikes, spirits / not familiar with the other / not drawing conclusions / thousands of mistakes. “Songbook was awarded the Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, wrote to the family:” His poems exciting Sharon reflect the heartache we all. “Sharon’s parents appealed to the Unit for the Commemoration of the Soldier and offered to give the bereaved families Memorial Day a medal dedicated to perpetuating the fallen of the Israeli army. And on Memorial Day 2003, the Unit for the Commemoration of the Soldier awarded the medal to the families of the fallen

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