Shir, Aaron

Shir, Aaron

Son of Hedwig and Meches, was born on April 24, 1942, in the city of Priststadt, Germany. In his youth, he joined the Habonim youth movement and, after completing his studies, went on a training course on an agricultural farm in the city of Schniebinchen. In 1939 he immigrated to Eretz Israel and was accepted to the youth group at Kibbutz Ramat Hakovesh. After two years of training in work and studies, his group moved to Yagur. His manner was quiet and unobtrusive, but his friends did not know what was hidden. At the same time, it was clear to all that he would fulfill any role entrusted to him by faith. At the end of the training period, he joined his friends in Kibbutz Hulata and was sent to work in the cowshed. He agreed to this even though the work was alien to his spirit, but over time he liked him, and Aaron was interested in raising cattle and the professional literature of this branch. Unlike the rest of his friends, he saw things as pessimistic. And though he could be Simcha when she was lost, the joy did not persist. He read and studied on his own. At the outbreak of the War of Independence he participated in the battles at Ramot Naftali, where he was lightly injured. Afterward he was drafted into the army and served in the Carmeli Brigade. He took part in Operation Brosh in order to destroy the Syrian bridgehead in the Mishmar Hayarden area and in the difficult battles that took place in the area. He fell on the 3rd of Tammuz 5707 (July 10, 1948.) He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Rosh Pina.

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