Shimoni, Abraham

Shimoni, Abraham

Avraham (Avi), son of Sarah and Francois, was born on 12.1.1951 in Lod, Abraham was drafted into the IDF at the end of January 1969 and volunteered to serve in the Armored Corps. After basic training, he completed a course in the Patton tank course and a tank commanders course. After his commanders had mastered his skills, they sent him to an officer’s course after which he took a course in Armored Corps officers. He had great endurance; In the course, he broke one of the fingers of his hand, but concealed it so that he would not be prevented from completing the course to the end of the course, and his commanders and subordinates saw him as an admired, competent, efficient and devoted officer who served as an example in his behavior and achievements, Shimon son of-Zvi was born in Givatayim in 1978. During his vacations, he was a security guard at the Lod airport, During a battle in the Hamadiya axis, a shell hit his tank, and he was severely burned, one of his legs was crushed and the hospital was forced to amputate it. The nurse who took care of him said, “I admired his strength and courage.” But all the doctors’ efforts to save him failed, and Avraham died of his wounds on the 16th of Tishrei 5734 (October 12, 1973) He was brought to rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul and left behind a wife, two brothers and a sister.

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