Shilo, Yuval

Shilo, Yuval

Son of Geula and Paltiel, was born on May 3, 1965, in the Hatikva neighborhood of Tel Aviv, where Yuval moved to Kibbutz Gesher in the Jordan Valley and the Six Day War. He studied at the regional schools in Ashdot Yaakov and Beit Yerah, where Yuval was a regular member of the Hapoel Afikim soccer team. However, Yuval enjoyed music, loved to sing and dance, and his artistic talent found an outlet in his painting. After completing his high school studies, Yuval volunteered for a year of service as a counselor in the “Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed” movement in Dimona and Pardes Katz, and was drafted into the IDF in August 1983 and volunteered to serve in the Paratroopers Brigade. After basic training and advanced training in a parachuting course, he successfully completed a course for RPG operators. And served as a fighter in the Paratroopers Brigade. His independent spirit and his insistence on his own led him more than once to clash with the uncompromising principles of the army, and the inevitable result was confinement to the camp. But as for the women soldiers, Yovel was superior. And so Zvika, the commander of his platoon, said about him: “Yuval was one who gave a special character to the department, and that is his character, Yuval, pride … There was one who always walked with his head up, a friend who always stood by his opinions and never gave in. The hard ones that surrounded him never broke … and twice we were really broken, and Yuval always looked for a path through which we would continue and through him we would overcome all the difficulties … He had high physical fitness. With the soldiers of his unit, Yuval was sent to a regular security position in Lebanon. “I’m going to go to Lebanon in a few days, who knows if I’ll come back from there, I felt not so good about this place,” he wrote in a letter sent two weeks before the attack, But this is my duty, and it is my duty to fulfill the best possible … If something happens and I do not return, I will send my regards to all my friends and family, whom I love most. “On the day of the 4th of Av 5744 (August 2, 1984) On his 19th birthday, Yuval fell in a battle in the Peace for Galilee war and was laid to rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz Gesher. He left behind his parents, two brothers and a sister. In an assessment letter sent to the family by the IDF authorities, it was written: “An older soldier in his soul, clever, self-confident, of high physical fitness. His commanders always appreciated his potential. “When his unit returned from service in Lebanon, the company commander noted:” Yuval was one of the most prominent soldiers in the company, because of the leadership he demonstrated, the self-confidence, the friendliness he displayed toward his friends, his physical fitness and the high soldiers. ” Donated a Torah scroll to a synagogue in the Hatikva neighborhood, his birthplace.

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