Shilo (Shilk), Yaakov

Shilo (Shilk), Yaakov

The only son of Maurice Vinnina. He was born on March 19, 1935, in the city of Kalish, Poland. With the outbreak of World War II, the family moved to Warsaw and there was in the ghetto. After the war, the family left for Palestine, but was delayed. His elementary studies were so irregular as a result of the war. At first his mother taught him to read and write and also to arithmetic, and he entered elementary school and was in fifth grade, but when the family arrived in Belgium he had various difficulties of a new school, a new environment and a new language. After graduating from elementary school, he began studying at the French Gymnasium, but his studies were also interrupted and he was sent to England to attend the Eaton boarding school. He returned to Belgium because his parents could not support him in his new place, and in 1949 Jacob immigrated to Israel with the Youth Aliyah. He was at Kibbutz Mishmar Emek, then on Kibbutz Gan Shmuel. And when his parents came to Israel and settled there they transferred him to the “Shevach” vocational school, where he studied for one year, but because of his father’s illness and because of the need to help at home economically, Yaakov stopped studying. In the last period of his life, he was about to complete his high school studies in order to receive a matriculation certificate after academic studies in consideration of university studies. In his few spare hours he liked to listen to records and especially to modern arrangements of classical works. He tended to build models of airplanes and ships and thus expressed his fondness for mechanics and his talents especially for flying. In January 1953 he was drafted into the IDF and served in the Paratroopers Brigade, where he served as parachutist and parachutist in A-Tur and remained in the Paratroopers ‘Paratroopers’ Training Course and was sent abroad to study at the Parachute School . He was sent abroad to perform a parachuting show and took part in an international parachuting competition held in France. He then became an officer and served as a third of the parachuting school. After being badly injured in the leg due to an accident, he moved to the Intelligence Corps in 1960 because he knew and had a command in French and English. But the transition was not easy for him and the longing for the paratroopers did not stop. During his service he was loaned to the paratroopers as commander of a course for paratroopers and soldiers from the Congo. He served as an intelligence officer in the Armored Corps until his last day, and during the Six Day War he fought in the battles of Nablus, and on the third day of the battles, he fell on the 7th of Iyar 5727 (7.6.1967) In the outskirts of the western city, volunteering to direct our aircraft while providing close assistance to reach a suitable observation post, passed about two kilometers in a jeep in an area that was under enemy fire, and even though he knew that the area was not cleared he continued to move to the observation post in a single tank On the way – and in the course of his movement he destroyed an enemy force that blocked the road and hindered him from carrying out his mission. Was placed in a military cemetery in Afula and later transferred to the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, where he was promoted to the rank of major. His name.

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