Shilo, Dovid

Shilo, Dovid

Born in 1896 in the city of Tbilisi, Georgia, he studied in the room and continued his studies at the University of Georgia, where he was fascinated by the Zionist idea and despite the fact that Zionism was illegal in his country, To immigrate to Palestine, they collected money in various ways to finance the trip: some of the members worked in commerce, others raised plays and plays, and when the money was collected enough, David went with his family and members of the group on their way to Eretz Israel, To the port of Jaffa and then to Petah Tikva. David worked for three years paving roads and then received a plot of land from the Rothschild family in Binyamina to cultivate it and grow jasmine flowers for the Rothschild perfume factory. While in Binyamina he even worked in drying swamps and many others, he also contracted fever. David joined the Haganah and was one of its activists. When the illegal immigration to Palestine began, he enlisted for the task and took an active part in bringing the immigrants to the shores and dispersing them in the surrounding settlements. He even absorbed immigrants in his home. During the War of Independence, on the 18th of Tammuz 5708 (18.7.1948), while engaged in fortifications work in Tantura, was injured by an Iraqi bomb and was killed. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Binyamina. left a wife, eight sons and daughters, brothers and sisters.

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