Shifman, Dov

Shifman, Dov

Son of Batsheva and Yaakov, was born on February 1, 1926 in Tiberias. As a child he moved with his family to Tel Aviv. After graduating from elementary school, he went to “Young Training” in Kibbutz Alonim, and then spent another two years in the “HaNoar Haoved” training program in Maoz Haim. After years of training and agricultural work, he joined the Nutras and served in the Notrim army in a children’s village. In 1945 he returned to the city, worked in construction and studied the profession of plastering. As soon as the War of Independence began, he joined the army and served in the Givati ​​Brigade. He passed a course for squad commanders and liked his subordinates in his good temper. He was cheerful and friendly. Dov was sent to a course for sports officers and afterward he taught in Be’er Tuvia and Gan Yavne and participated in battles in Jaffa and the south. Dov fell in battle to conquer Darras, when he was among the burglars. He was seriously wounded and died on May 11, 1948. He was buried in Be’er Tuvia on the 26th of Cheshvan 5710 (October 26, 1950), and was transferred to the eternal military cemetery in Haifa.

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