Shiffer, Daniel (“Danny”),

Shiffer, Daniel (“Danny”),

Son of Reuven and Rina. He was born in the mid-Passover period on April 3, 1945, in Tel Aviv, where he spent his first time in his hometown, where he first received his first impressions and met his first friends. And the first time you met the enemy planes, when one bomb fell in Gan Meir, not far from their apartment, and its fragments were scattered around the house and some penetrated the family’s apartment and hit the child’s bed and even penetrated his hat. He completed his elementary studies at the Graz school and joined the Maccabee movement at that time and devoted much of his time to his favorite sports He has already worked for two years in the “Shalva” Gymnasium, where he worked and worked in Bank Hapoalim where he succeeded in satisfying his employers. In February 1963 he was drafted into the IDF and filled his service period with all the rest, and again without any unusual event. After his release from the army, he married a wife he knew at the base. But it was only a few months before he left for his first reserve duty. On the last Sabbath before the war, he was given a short vacation and Danny stumbled at his home and was wounded, but he refused his wife’s request that he turn to the city officer for the receipt of his request. In the second day of the fighting, on the 27th of Iyar 5727 (June 6, 1967), during an air strike, he fell in Moshav Barak Who was in the Ta’anach region, left a wife, was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Afula, and afterwards to rest in the cemetery Failure Kiryat Shaul. Remember raised B”mcbim “, Journal of the Federation of Maccabi Israel. The family and friends has published a booklet called” Danny “in memory.

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