Shiff, Zvi

Shiff, Zvi

Son of Yaffa and Dov, was born on 11.11.1933 in the city of Leszczow, Poland. He was three years old from his father. In 1937 he immigrated to Israel with his family and after completing elementary school began to study electricity. He found satisfaction in his first steps in the professional work, but the idea of ​​”fulfillment” revived him and he said to abandon the city and go to kibbutz training, but in the meantime he felt another duty: the defense of the land. Although he was 14 years old at the age of 14, he was still exempt from this duty, his high stature and early intellectual development told him: “Your name will not be called Zvika because you are a deer; The mother’s pleas and tears and rebukes of his older brother did not help. Zvi managed to deceive the recruiters. In January 1948 he joined the Palmach regiment and was sent to the Negev, where he returned to his real age, with the youth of the kibbutz who called her, and the landscape and life arrangements, but between the “elderly” He expressed his delight in the quietness of the village and in the countryside and in the vision of victory that must come, and he fought with his friends in many Arab villages to destroy gangs and ambushes that they had prepared against them. The regular of the Egyptian invader fought valiantly, and in the battle of Yad Mordechai he constantly fired fire at the columns of the stronghold A small wound that injured his forehead and flooded his face with blood dropped the machine gun for a while and gave the enemy a short time to recover, but the boy – the hero boy recovered immediately and again – turned on the machine gun and his bundles again deterred the enemy. The enemy returned to collect the weapons of the fallen and brought him in. The enemy renewed his assault on tanks and armored vehicles, and Zvi continued to return fire until he said, “It seems to me That I was wounded. ” It was on the 14th of Iyar 5708 (May 23, 1948), when he was 14 years and a half. Under the hail of fire, he was taken to the wounded shelter and died of his wounds half an hour later. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery at Yad Mordechai.

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