Sherf, Joshua

Sherf, Joshua

Son of Moshe and Hadassah. He was born in the city of Vadnitz in the Soviet Union on February 19, 1952 and attended an elementary school in his hometown. Despite the great anti-Semitism prevailing in the city, Joshua did not hide his Jewish identity and would respond to his saboteurs with a war. When he reached the age of Bar Mitzvah, he began to learn Hebrew – to read and write – and when he learned that his Hebrew name was Yehoshua, he proudly noted his name on his notebooks and books and refused to be called his previous name. He also refused to be among the Communist youth, the Komsomol, and after much effort and overcoming difficulties, the family succeeded in immigrating to Israel in 1966 and settling in Kiryat Haim near Haifa. At first Joshua spent about a year in an “Aliyat Hanoar” institution and after Takalem moved to a religious high school in Kiryat Yam. At the same time, he studied music and piano at the conservatory in Haifa. He had considerable musical talent and although he had not planned to continue on this track, he would sit for hours at the piano playing classical music. Yes, a lot of reading literature, recognizing that literature is essential to the spiritual life of man. Yehoshua joined the Israel Defense Forces in late July 1971. His commanders noted that Yehoshua was “a quiet and polite young man, a dedicated soldier who willingly carried out all the work that was imposed on him.” On 28.12.1972, Fulfilling his duties and being laid to rest in the civilian cemetery in the village of Samir near Haifa

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