Sherf, Gil-Mordechai (Gili)

Sherf, Gil-Mordechai (Gili)

The eldest son of Aviva and Dov, was born on June 6, 1966, in Bat Yam. As he was, he was a Simcha, cheerful child, full of life and laughter, large grinning eyes and everywhere he was, the place would be filled with joy. Gili attended the “Tachkemoni” school until the sixth grade, and later in junior high, at the “Bnei Akiva” Aderet yeshiva where he finished eighth grade. He studied and graduated from the “Noam” school in Pardes Hanna (cycle 36.) Wherever he studied, Gili was a favorite pupil of his teachers and classmates, helping others and his friends always occupy his first place. Gili was a member of the Bnei Akiva movement in Daughter of-Yam, a member of the Tzuriel tribe and active in all the activities of the branch, and he was loved by his many friends, and he was fond of small and large Gili loved the sea, the waves and the Yaffa sunsets, and from a young age he was like a fish in the water and spent many hours in it. And in the Judean desert, in Eilat, in Yamit and in the Golan Heights – there was no Wadi Gili that was not “deaf,” and a waterfall or a lake in which Gili enlisted in the Armored Corps in August 1984 and served in the Barak Brigade as a gunner, and in the army he was the living spirit and symbol of the army. Joy of life and cheerfulness. His slogan to his friends was “You have to keep your morale,” and the daughter of laughter that accompanied him always did not leave his entire period of service. During his service, he had the foundations of a unit pride and a professional approach. His relatives and friends often mention the pride that Gili brought them into the tank – at the end of the professional artillery course – and expertly described the gun’s firing possibilities using the computer! On the 28th of Adar 5745 (March 21, 1985), during his service in Lebanon in Al-Muhaydah, a bullet pierced his Lev and the joy of his life forever ceased. As his commander says: “The joy of his youth, his cheerfulness and his mischief will remain engraved in the hearts of his friends and commanders forever.” Gili was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Holon. He left behind his parents, brother and two sisters

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