Sher, Moshe

Sher, Moshe

Son of Shimon and Helena. He was born on December 27, 1947 in Reichenbach, Poland. In 1950 his parents immigrated to Israel with him. When he reached school age, he studied at Moriah Elementary School and then studied for one year at the Arab High School and specialized in frameworks. He was a welder after that. He belonged to the Hanoar Haoved movement and was a guide there. Among the youth he did a great deal of public work. In July 1965 he was drafted into the IDF and volunteered for the Nahal Brigade. But while he was in duty he died in the course of his duty in the overturning of the vehicle he was driving on the Arava Road; The commander of his unit wrote to his family in a letter of condolence after they fell: “Moshe was a lively and lively young man, Simcha wherever he was, always cheerful And creates a good atmosphere for all the soldiers in his unit. He held various positions in the unit – as a reconnaissance commander, as commander of a security ambush and as a commander in an outpost. Moshe always filled his responsible and difficult role in the best way and never complained … He never revealed to us, his friends and commanders, what was bothering him and never told about personal problems or other problems at home. He was a devoted son, loving and caring for his parents and his home.

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