Shemesh, Yosef (“Yossi”)

Shemesh, Yosef (“Yossi”)

Son of Haim and Paulina. He was born on 28.5.1954 in Moshav Zippori in the Galilee and attended the Tavor Elementary School and the Moshe Sharett High School in Nazareth Illit He was an inquisitive, lively, brave and playful boy, and there was no tall tree He was an excellent student, and was especially well-versed in arithmetic and nature, and was one of the first in the class. Who always feels the help of the weak. He was a good student, a mischievous boy, a loyal bad boy, an exemplary example for his friends. “He was an excellent athlete with great fitness, he was on the school team and was among the first trio of Hapoel Zippori “in table tennis, but he had a poetic soul, drew Yaffa paintings, mainly nature and landscape paintings, wrote Yaffa songs, played guitar and loved to sing, mainly soul and emotion songs. He did not tell about what happened to him in the army when he showed up at home. After completing his parachuting course, wearing a red beret and wearing a parachutist’s wings, the family understood what route he had chosen. Even in the elite unit he served, he was an outstanding fighter, without fear and without fault, who did everything he was entrusted with faithfully. He was connected to his friends and accepted. On the 10th of Tevet, 5772 (11.12.1972), he fell while serving in the Gaza Strip and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Nazareth Illit, and his commanding officer eulogized the following: “Yossi came to the Paratroops with the understanding of the matter. He wanted to arrive where he felt he had found his place – – – as his commander, caught my eye with his behavior, his easy nature, his dedication and his great social contribution to the company — Yossi was a prominent figure in the company. In every faction event or debate that would have developed, he would have stood up and uttered his words. I know how appreciated his words were. “The commander of his regiment wrote in a letter of condolence to the family:” Your son Yossi was a model soldier. From a personal point of view he was disciplined and disciplined. His pride lay in the departmental machine gun he was in charge of. His willingness to give to his friends, to help and encourage him, to serve as a special asset in his company – in operational employment in the Gaza Strip Yossi served as a squad commander and demonstrated his ability and understanding of the operational issue and adherence to the tasks he received.

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