Shem-Tov, Ronit

Shem-Tov, Ronit

Daughter of Tamar and Shimon. Born on July 31, 1971, in Kiryat Gat, the eldest daughter of a family of nine, Ronit grew up surrounded by the love of eight older brothers and sisters and attended the Ma’apilim Elementary School in Kiryat Gat and the ” “Ronit did not like the regular, institutional frameworks, she enjoyed music, dancing and hiking, and she always preferred Ella to her studies at school, and Ronit had a high level of learning ability. In October 1989 Ronit was recruited to sing A military duty. She completed basic training, was assigned to the Intelligence Corps and sent to a long and complex course, which requires high learning ability. At the end of the course, she received the rank of corporal and was sent to serve in one of the intelligence units in the Southern Command, and Ronit was battered by her family for many long years. Ronit succumbed to her illness and died at Beit Levinstein, where she spent the last few months of her life and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Gat, leaving behind her parents, five sisters – Batsheva, Ruti, Bruria, Zehava and Yehudit, and three brothers – Eli, Avner and Michelle – her family commemorated her name in the library they donated and established in her memory the New High School. A Ronit’s name

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