Shechter, Israel

Shechter, Israel

Ben Rachel and Shlomo Was born on June 18, 1961. He studied at the Yaffe Nof Elementary School, excelled in his studies and was accepted to continue his studies at the Boyar High School, where his talents were discovered at a young age, When he was a student at the elementary school, Israel belonged to the Scouts movement, but after a while he moved to Gadna, as part of his school. He excelled as an apprentice in national service, devoted himself to various sports and achieved good achievements. In high jump Israel was the champion of Jerusalem and a lieutenant colonel of Israel. His involvement in sports was constant. He had a lot of practice in light athletics, played basketball and was a good swimmer. Israel was full of life, lively and smiling. His continued involvement in sports did not affect his scholastic achievements in school. In particular, Israel excelled in the real professions. He was Yaffa and handsome. Israel was aware of his skills, knew what he could reach, and therefore demanded a lot of himself. He was not satisfied with mediocre achievements, and always wanted to excel in sports and studies. However, Israel was modest, and not arrogant. When he was about to enlist in the IDF, he had a few choices – he could have enlisted in a naval training course, but he preferred to serve as a pilot in the air force, but his parents were horrified by his decision but did not intervene. In October 1979, Israel enlisted and was assigned to a pilot course, where he studied and trained in various courses, including a parachuting course. Nine months later, in March 1981, he rose to the rank of sergeant. He completed his pilots’ course in November 1981. He completed his military service as an officer and began his career as an operations officer in his squadron when the Peace for Galilee War broke out and on the first day of the war Israel volunteered to rescue the wounded from the Nabatiyeh area. Israel was shot and killed by the enemy, on the 26th of Sivan 5762 (August 26, 1982.) He was 21 years old at the time of his death, and was brought to the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. He left behind his parents and sister, and the defense minister wrote about him in a letter of condolence to the family: “He was a young pilot, very talented, modest, quiet, efficient and dedicated.”

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