Shechman, Victor

Shechman, Victor

Ben Ludmila and David. He was born on October 20, 1973, in Lvov, Ukraine, in the Soviet Union, and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1989. Victor studied in his hometown in elementary school and in a technical high school, In the middle of November 1991, Victor was drafted into the IDF and assigned to the Artillery Corps. After basic training, and after being trained as a combat soldier, the IAF was assigned a combat position on the battery. The conclusion of his interview, which is in his personal file, reads: “Victor seems like a very serious and motivated soldier.” On September 4, 1994, Victor fell in battle in the Gaza area and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Upper Nazareth. He was twenty years old when he fell. Survived by his parents and sister – Ilana. Victor was promoted to sergeant after his death. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, Chief of Staff Ehud Barak wrote: “Victor, of blessed memory, fell in the fight against terror by terrorist fire at an IDF patrol near the Morag junction in Gaza City, where he served as a gunner in the Artillery Corps. Four years, it was evident that he was well received, was acceptable and sympathetic to his friends, disciplined, sociable and highly motivated to serve. ” In a letter of condolence, the unit commander wrote: “Victor served in the unit for about two and a half years and served as a combat soldier in a battery with a concentration of immigrant soldiers. His level of performance and his high level of motivation in his life were notable for his friendship and cordial relations with the other fighters and commanders in the battery, and Victor’s presence in the battery landscape will be sorely missed. “

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