Shechiber, Yosef

Shechiber, Yosef

Yosef, son of Leah and Moshe Shechiber, was born in 1928 in the city of Aleppo, Syria and studied there in the Talmud Torah and Midrash HaTlalim. In 1943, he immigrated to Eretz Israel and eventually succeeded in bringing his mother, sister and three brothers to Israel. Yosef lived in Tel Aviv and worked in weaving, supporting his elderly parents and also helped all those who came into contact with him. At the beginning of 1948, during the War of Independence, he served in the Oded Brigade and participated in battles in the Triangle and the Galilee. Yosef joined the brigade to the south and took part in the “Yoav” operation to break through to the Negev. His battalion attacked the Egyptian “Burma Road” outposts in Karta. In this battle, on the 15th of TIshrai, 18.10.1948, Yosef fell and was brought to rest at the cemetery in Givat Brenner.

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