Shaveon-Seidel, Avraham-Leib

Shaveon-Seidel, Avraham-Leib

Son of-Hanna-Zipora and Yitzhak-Zelig was born on May 12, 1922 in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. In 1925, his parents immigrated to Israel and settled in Tel Aviv. During his studies at the Tel Nordoi School, he joined the Mahanot Ha’olim movement, but after completing his studies, he did not go to training because of the need to support the family. He began to work as a messenger boy in a “transfer” company, and was later hired for a similar job at the electric company. Abraham was fond of his friends and office staff for his politeness and cheerfulness and was keen to promote his status in life. He studied evening classes in commercial and office papers at the Safra School and at the Montefiore Technical School. At the Electric Company he came to a responsible administrative position in her workshops. Armed with nationalist feelings, he stopped his work for the service of the homeland. After returning to his work in Tel Aviv, he moved to the Palmach Reserve and served part-time in the special company in Tel Aviv and from the beginning of the War of Independence he dedicated to her All his time. On the second day of Israel’s independence, standing in the company camp near the Dov airport, at the company’s liquidation order on the verge of joining the army, he was hit by three other members of a bomb thrown from an Egyptian plane on May 16, 1948. In a mass grave with David Bash (Dondi) in the Nahalat Yitzhak Military Cemetery.

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