Shatam, Uriel (Uri)

Shatam, Uriel (Uri)

Son of Sophia and Eliezer. He was born on 1 April 1925 in Tel Aviv, studied at the Herzliya Gymnasium and in 1942 received his matriculation certificate (in cycle L). During his studies at the Gymnasium he showed a special interest in social sciences, a talent for languages ​​and a special fondness for English and other languages. He was also a member of Maccabi Hatzair and was active in the ranks of the Haganah and among his classmates, the youth movement, and the Haganah, he was known for his good temperament and behavior towards others. In January 1943, the British army joined the Engineering Corps, and on 24 Iyar, May 29, 1943, he died in a train accident near Cairo In the British military cemetery in Heliopolis. A forest was planted in his name in the forests of the Jewish National Fund near Ma’ale Hachamisha. In 1980, his sister published a memorial booklet, which includes the life of Uriel and his cousin, the late Gil Adele, who died while serving in the Palmach. For full memorial, see Hebrew biography.

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