Sharvit, Liron Shlomo

Sharvit, Liron Shlomo

Perry and Meir’s eldest son. He was born in Ramle on April 12, 1980. Liron came into the world on a Saturday afternoon at the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center in Tzrifin. From the first moment, he brought joy and happiness and brought comfort to his parents and the whole family. As a senior brother, he showed responsibility and caring for his sister Sharon, who was born two and a half years later. Liron’s family lived on Shalom Street in Ramla and, at the age of five, moved to their new home in the city. During this period his great love for sport was revealed. At the tennis center in Ramle he learned to serve, hit the ball and get balls and soon participated in competitions. When he lost, he would say “not terrible” and move on; When he won, he smiled modestly and said nothing. It was not for nothing that the teacher, after finishing kindergarten, defined him as “a modest and shy child.” Later they took the place of tennis, basketball, soccer, running, and later a punch. “The combination of his competitive nature and the pleasure of working on his body attracted him,” his parents explain. Liron went to first grade at the Ben Zvi elementary school in the Neve Yehonatan neighborhood of Ramle. Was a good student and gathered around him many friends who had made a long journey together. Like the rest of his age, he did not withdraw from pranks, but he always kept clear boundaries and never stretched the rope too much. When he was nine years old, his younger brother Nissan was born. From the moment he was born, Liron was his personal guardian and served as a guide and friend. And when he grew up and began going out with his friends for nightly entertainment, he used to include his sister Sharon, who followed him admiringly wherever he went. In 1991, at the age of 12, his parents decided to change their surroundings and move to the Beit Hashmonai community. Liron, who was afraid of the unknown and feared that he would be cut off from his friends, rebelled, and finally agreed on a three-month trial period, if he feels that he is not acclimatizing in the new place. But a nice boy like Chiron had no problem finding new friends. On the very first day of their arrival, immediately after his Bar Mitzvah celebration, he found a friend. Four days later, he began the new school year at the “Herzog” junior high school in the settlement, quickly absorbed himself and met other friends, one of whom (Shimi) became a second brother. Liron’s ninth grade teacher says: “He was just a model boy … Already at the school he found friendship a supreme value.” Liron continued his high school studies at the Herzog Regional School and successfully completed the film and photography track. He loved to photograph everything, and with his special talent he could transform the photographed material into unique and personal films. The culmination of his studies in the track was the final film he produced and in which he played: Liron played the role of a soldier whose girlfriend dreams that he was killed in battle. In the clip, the girl discovers when she wakes up, because it was only a bad dream. Unfortunately, for Liron’s family, the video has become a grim reality. Liron has excelled in his studies throughout the years and has been praised by teachers and teachers. They testified that “everything comes to him easily.” As he grew older, he became the object of admiration for the girls and in his captivating smile dissolved many hearts. For a moment he did not stop his sports activities: At the beginning of the road at Beit Hashmonai, he joined the Gezer Regional Council – “Maccabi Nesher” – and was one of the leaders in the department. Under his influence, other members joined the association, and activity in the area gained momentum. At the same time, he joined the “Working and Studying Youth” movement, with public activity as a supreme value. Within the framework of the movement, Liron did a great deal for the community: he visited patients in hospitals, helped the elderly and helped them with homes during the holidays. And after he saw that he was good, he prepared himself for training in the movement and here too he succeeded and won great sympathy among his students. The transition to a village that opened up new content to Yaron and earned him a social lifeRaise him, allow him to realize another side of his personality, and he is deeply fond of the world of nature and animals. When he was in ninth grade, he collected the dog “Sahar” from the “Sorrow” organization – then a six-week-old puppy – and it became his close friend. Later, during the period of mourning for Liron’s departure, a fear arose for the life of the dog, which did not accept the death of its owner. A year later, at the end of 10th grade, Liron invested his entire summer vacation in hard work in one of the neighborhood’s neighborhoods, and with the money he earned, he bought the horse that earned the name Sa’ar. He managed to enjoy his treatment and riding on it until the day he was drafted, when, to his dismay, the horse was stolen. Liron, who was an avid tour enthusiast and a keen adventurer, wanted to expand the pool of experiences and experiences and wanted to get a motorcycle license. He even wanted to buy an ATV, but after a discussion with his worried parents, a compromise was reached. At the end of the eleventh grade, he had already acquired the long-awaited license, and before the army he could still see the world, travel in America, smell the freedom and fall in love with New York, and the elite units always intrigued him and he prepared himself for military service. In the 10th grade he began to study and study the subject thoroughly and devoted a great deal of time to exhaustive fitness training, and at the first summons to the induction office it was already clear to him that his direction was combat service in one of the cruisers. The final of the final formulation decided to retire, and from there the road to the elite unit “Duvdevan” was short. Liron joined the IDF at the end of July 1998, and at the end of basic training and advanced training, he fulfilled his dream and was trained as a fighter in the “Duvdevan.” At first he maintained a low profile and did not stand out, but after a long time, He became the symbol of the team, the special atmosphere of the unit and the brotherhood of the fighters suited him to his social character, and he became attached to the team with all his soul. For the future, death is out of the question in his life history, and his friends tell of “a beautiful angel boy Who was poisoned by the army and loved life. “At every opportunity he went on trips, at parties and at sea, he loved dancing, and his friends testified that he was an excellent dancer, and he began to plan for the next period: During his last conversation with his mother, he tried to calm her with the words “Do not worry, Mom, there is nothing,” but the terrible one Most of all, it happened. Liron fell on 26 August 2000 in an operational activity in Samaria. He was killed because of a mistaken identity in an exchange of fire that developed in the village of ‘Asira a-Shamaliya in an attempt to capture the most wanted Hamas operative in the territories, Mahmoud Abu Hanoud. With him fell First Sergeant Roi Even-Filstiner and First Sergeant Niv Yaakobi. Another moderate was wounded in the incident. Liron was twenty and a half when he died. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Ramle, his hometown. Survived by his parents, sister and two brothers: his brother Lior was born after his death. After his fall he was promoted to First Sergeant. Thousands accompanied Liron on his last trip. The unit commander eulogized him and described him as a symbol of leadership, pleasant and gentle, who made sure to do everything perfectly, without complaints or condescension. In the letter of consolation to the family, the commander added: “Liron underwent a kosher training course in the unitA fighter, who at the end of it was found worthy to wear the pin of a ‘cherry’ fighter. In Liron, the natural leadership that accompanied him everywhere was apparent. On the one hand, Liron was a cold-tempered leader, one who knew how to solve every situation, a solution that the team received naturally, and on the other hand the friend of all the staff. Liron was the mainstay of the team both in the operational and in the daily routine. Even in times of crisis, Liron was able to show determination on the one hand and sensitivity on the other, as if he knew how every fighter and fighter on the team felt. In the unit, Liron became known as a “man who was fond of his commanders and all the soldiers and soldiers of the unit.” Many operations were carried out to commemorate Liron’s memory: one of the squares in Ramle was named “Liron Sharvit Square”, a Torah scroll named after his grandfather Nissim Sharvit The book was dedicated to the synagogue in Beit Hashmonai, where the book was placed in the holy ark, which also bears his name: Liron’s family donated photographic equipment to the photography and film trend at the Herzog Regional School for the Arts and Humanities, and the photography room in the school was named after him. A memorial corner for the three fallen soldiers . The plot, named “Pinat Hashlosha”, stands at the top of a hill above the large lake at the entrance to the garden and includes a lawn and three old oak trees dedicated to three, with three benches on which are commemorative plaques with the soldiers’ names and the circumstances of their fall. Liron’s father set up a website in his memory at http://liron-sharvit.ad-olam.co.il/ with pictures, things written by friends and relatives and newspaper clippings that were published. The media extensively covered the circumstances of the disaster that led to the death of Liron and his colleagues and drew a line to Liron’s character. His mother wrote: “Now Liron is gone, but the house is always full of him, and everyone continues to remember and dream him.”

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