Sharra, Ayala

Sharra, Ayala

Daughter of Ora and Saadia was born on August 29, 1958, in Moshav Kidron near Gedera. Ayala attended elementary school where she lived, and continued to study at the regional high school in Givat Brenner. From a young age, she was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement as an apprentice, underwent a training course for two years and worked as a youth counselor. Ayala was gifted with a variety of skills. She learned to play guitar, participated in ballet and sports, and was active in karate. Ayala loved riding horses, a tractor and a motorcycle. She had a reserved and introverted character, and she was quiet, intelligent. Ayala strove to achieve her aspirations with reason and good taste. As an activist in a youth movement of the moshavim, she participated in camps and trips, met the landscapes of the country and loved to travel there. Ayala read a lot of professional literature and had creative talent. She wrote poems, and after she was killed she left behind a collection of songs that fascinated her close circle. In December 1977, Ayala enlisted in the IDF, took a number of courses, including a driving course, rose to the rank of sergeant and served as a driver on June 18, 1979. On a motorcycle on the Gedera – Ayala was injured in a road accident and was killed. She was 21 years old when she died. She was laid to rest in the cemetery in Moshav Kidron. Ayala left behind her parents, four brothers and a sister. The commander of her unit wrote in her letter of condolence to her parents: “For almost a year and a half, Ayala served in the unit and loved everyone she knew: grace, intelligence, energy, honesty and goodness are qualities that are not often found in one person. Prominent were her admiration for her parents. “

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