Sharoni, Uri

Sharoni, Uri

Son of Miriam and Yehezkel, was born on July 17, 1962 in Tel Aviv. His family lived in Givatayim, where Uri began his studies in the A. D. Gordon. He moved to the junior high school at the Be’eri School and completed high school at the Kalai School. In January 1981, Uri enlisted in the IDF and served in the Navy as a combat diver, where he underwent hard training and physical fitness, and Uri was sent to a squad commanders’ course. A group of soldiers rented a car together and went for a walk in Eilat. Next to Kibbutz Yotvata, the vehicle veered off the road, overturned and its passengers were hit. Uri was killed in an accident. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv. He was 19 years old when he died. Uri left behind his parents and four brothers. The commander of his unit wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Uri volunteered for the unit, passed the reception desk and began his service in the IDF. He finished the chapter on the long route of training – the basic training. His willingness to volunteer and his desire to contribute his ability to strengthen the ranks of our unit and to strengthen the IDF as a whole have been appreciated,

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