Sharoni, Rahamim (“Rami”)

Sharoni, Rahamim (“Rami”)

Rahamim, ben Ovadia Sharbani z “l and Sarah, was born on the 25th of Elul, September 7, 1931 in Baghdad, Iraq, and immigrated to Israel in 1949. When was 15 years old, Rahamim was orphaned by his father. When he immigrated to Israel illegally, he settled on Kibbutz Ashdot Yaakov. and waited there for family members who had remained in Iraq. In 1950 he was put into infantry. Upon his discharge from the regular service, he married his girlfriend from the army service. He was a loving and dedicated father. He continued to work in the IDF as a civilian employee and a few years later he undertook to serve in the regular army and joined the Intelligence Corps. He was appointed to various positions as an intelligence officer in the Nablus governorate and worked to gather information about terrorists in the area and hostile activities. His co-worker wrote: “Rahamim was known for his integrity, sense of justice, and honesty. He was diligent, thorough and efficient. Rahamim was sent to study at the IDF Command and Staff School and was later transferred to Judea and Samaria headquarters as an assistant to an Arab affairs advisor and promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. “His work, his reports and the documents he wrote were a cornerstone of our work.” Former Defense Minister Shimon Peres wrote: “He worked hard to achieve cooperation and cooperation between the two sides, Peaceful coexistence in the West Bank. “On April 19, 1976, Rahamim fell and was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind a wife and three daughters, a mother, four brothers and a sister. The family also commemorated the memorial plaque in the synagogue of the Sephardic community in Ramat Gan.

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