Sharoni, Moshe

Sharoni, Moshe

Son of Yehoshua and Zissel. He was born on August 18, 1935, in Haifa. When Moshe arrived in elementary school, he studied at the elementary school in Atlit and later studied at the boarding school for naval officers (now in Acre, where he was a metalworker and a foreman in a chemical company.) His hobbies were collecting and absorbing folk songs. In December 1952 he was drafted into the IDF and after his regular discharge he was summoned for reserve duty from time to time, even before the Six-Day War was called to the flag and on the fifth day of the battles , He died on the 9th of June 1967, fell in a battle that took place in Deirdre, leaving a wife, a son and a daughter, a child of one and a quarter years in the fall of her father. Who was taken to the destination at the military cemetery in Haifa, and was named after him on the first anniversary of his death at the entrance to his neighborhood, Neve Moshe. “A booklet was published by his battalion called Nachshoni HaGolan, in which his name was commemorated among the rest of the battalion.

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