Sharon, Efrat

Sharon, Efrat

Daughter of Aviva and Avigdor. She was born on July 24, 1981 in Jerusalem. Sister to Elik, Oren and Orit. Shortly after her birth, the family moved to Ma’aleh Adumim, but when Efrat reached kindergarten, the family returned to Jerusalem and set up their home in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood. Efrat visited the “Jewish Garden” in the neighborhood and went with kindergarten children to first grade at the Ramat Moriah school. She also studied high school in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, at the Seligsberg High School, where she studied cooking. In her youth she was a member of the Mahanot Ha’olim movement in the local branch. Efrat was a charming girl, sensitive and kind. She showed caring and treated everyone with respect, from small to large. It has infinite giving ability and a desire to help others. She was very attached to her family, a mother and father girl, and devoted to her brother. Efrat – Efratush in the mouth of her lovers – loved cooking studies in general and the kitchen in particular. As an artist in her soul, she produced wonderful cooking and pastries. Efrat was a Yaffa girl, aesthetic and well-groomed. Her propensity for aesthetics and beauty was expressed in everything she touched-from the wardrobe, through her designer room, to cakes, pastries, and cooking that made them Yaffa-just like her. Efrat enlisted in the IDF on December 29, 1999. She served as a cook in the Armaments School, at 20 Bahad 20. Her life was cut short while they were still alive, before she could realize her life and fulfill her plans. On the 9th of Tammuz 5760 (9.7.2000), Efrat fell in her role as a nineteen-year-old girl, who was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, leaving parents, two brothers and a sister. “Efrat came to my unit in January 2000 and served as a cook in the salad factory. From the very first moment, Efrat was discovered as a responsible, self-disciplined and motivated female soldier who exhibited gentleness, love for others and high self-giving. Efrat, a sociable soldier full of energy, stood out in her smile, exuded joy and was loved by her commanders and friends. We all bow our heads in her memory. May her memory be blessed. “In Efrat’s memory, a website was established at www.www.fratsharon.co.il

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