Sharabi, Ran (Rani)

Sharabi, Ran (Rani)

Batya and Eliahu, was born on 7 June 1962 in Petach Tikvah, where he completed his studies at the Yesodot elementary school in his home, and was the first son of his family, a quiet and shy child with artistic skills. In his own rich inner world, he was a good painter, loved music and read a lot, especially literature, and he was able to tell stories to his little sisters, and he earned good grades in all the subjects he had studied. Rani took an active part in the social life of the school, and became a leader accepted by his friends, and after completing his elementary studies, Rani was recommended to continue his studies The “Ort” high school for gifted children in Netanya, during which time he grew up and became a strong, broad-shouldered, energetic, energetic and energetic young man who completed his 11th grade and went to work in odd jobs until his enlistment in the IDF in May 1980. Rani enlisted and served first in the Armored Corps as a tank driver, and was later transferred to a paratroop unit. Rani passed a driver’s course, fulfilled his position as a driver. On the 22nd of Tammuz 5741 (July 22, 1981), he was riding in his car near Rosh Ha’ayin, where he was killed and killed at the age of 19. Rani was laid to rest in the Petah Tikva military cemetery, Parents, two sisters and a brother, and his battalion commander wrote in a letter of condolence to his family: “Rani was an exemplary, quiet, responsible, serious soldier, fulfilling his role in the best possible manner, professionally and socially. He was aware of the unit’s demands and was successful in every task assigned to him. Rani was designed in your home and at your inspiration, and in addition to his military duties, he was closely connected to his home and his family. His character will be a symbol and a symbol of being an excellent soldier, a loyal friend, a friend at any time and a loving son. “

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