Sharabi, Ofer

Sharabi, Ofer

Ben Hanna and David. Ofer was born in Tel Aviv on January 15, 1963. At the age of thirteen he was orphaned from his mother, an event whose influence was evident throughout his life. Ofer joined the police on November 17, 1985 and served faithfully until his death. Advanced Sergeant Ofer fell during his service on April 24, 2005. He was forty-two when he fell. He was buried in the military cemetery in Nahariya. He left a wife and three children. Ofer’s family cried out: “What are we going to tell you about, how can we talk about you in the past tense, you’re missing us, your family and your friends, how can you forget your kindness, build a family you loved, and before you died you could worry about our future. With love as you wanted, Orna, Rotem Dror and Chen always think. “

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