Sharabani, David

Sharabani, David

David, son of Esperance and Yitzhak, was born on January 13, 1955, in Kfar Saba. When he was five years old, his family moved to Ramat Gan, and David graduated from the Pardes elementary school and the ORT school in the carpentry track. Within a short time, he lost interest in carpentry, for he had a talent for precise and delicate work, preferring metalwork on woodwork. So he decided to go to IAI’s training center. At the same time, older students who had completed their army service were studying at the center, and David was determined to meet the challenge of being the youngest of the group, and succeeded. He successfully completed a course in machining and stayed at the center to help with the training. From the age of twelve he was a member of the “Airport Club of Israel”, a branch of Ramat Gan, where he built model models and participated in competitions. In 1968, he won third place in a model competition for the model he built. In 1969, he joined the Gadna Shooting Club in Ramat Gan and achieved achievements in this field, winning medals and a silver medal in a shooting competition in 1970. He liked to do fine handcrafts and built Yaffa metal and wooden works. The radio was pop music that he loved, he was gentle and had a warm Lev, he was Simcha and he sang a lot and was Simcha: His friends wrote: “A wide smile with open Lev / smiling face, pleasant as the wind / everyone, without discrimination. David was drafted into the IDF in early February 1973. He completed basic training at the Artillery Corps base and continued with an artillery course. . After the course, he was sent to a field battalion and was placed as a cannon in the battery. He excelled as a soldier and was the first of his recruits to be awarded the rank of First Pvt. He was the best janitor in the rampart, strove to advance in the ranks of the team, loved to work, and performed every action in the battery willingly and joyfully He was a cheerful and optimistic guy who loved to sing with his friends and was willing to share with them When the Yom Kippur War broke out, his unit entered the battle on the Golan Heights On October 6, 1973, the enemy tanks attacked his artillery battery in Tel-Jukhder, killing David . His father, who had gone to the Golan Heights to look for him, heard the news from his commander. David was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents, brother and two sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to corporal. In his letter to the grieving family, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan wrote: “David was a devoted soldier and an excellent friend, and he was fond of his commanders and comrades in arms.” And his commander wrote about him: “He fought valiantly and bravely, encouraged his comrades and was the living spirit of the team.” He was always loved by his commanders and friends.

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