Shapira, Michael

Shapira, Michael

Son of-Itzhak-Zvi and Dvora. He was born on April 19, 1933 in Petah Tikva. Fourth generation in Israel – grandson and grandson of the founders of “Em HaMoshavot”. In a home that is all about pioneering and education, the child grew up and absorbed his image. From his early childhood, he had special talents – his famed family heritage. He tended to say literature and poetry. He studied at Pardes Hanna High School for two years. Was aware of what was happening in the country and the Yishuv’s struggle for its existence had left its mark on his sensitive soul. He was in the hachshara at Yagur near Haifa. He was drafted into the IDF in October 1950 and after fulfilling his military duty in the Nahal Brigade he joined Kibbutz Revivim in the hope of rebuilding his world. But still full of life and ready to fight for his ideal, fell in the line of duty on Tuesday, February 29, 1952, and was brought to rest in the cemetery in Petach Tikvah, The family set up a plot in his memory and the Petah Tikva municipality built a kindergarten and a playground called Gan Michael.

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