Shapira, Chaim Vitaly

Shapira, Chaim Vitaly

Son of Olga and Yuri. He was born on 28 Adar II, 5746 (April 8, 1986) in Belaruss, a young brother to Alexander. Haim Vitali was born in the city of Gomel, Belarus, and was a cute and smart boy who delighted his parents and family. By the time he was two, he could identify literature, and all letters of the alphabet. The Shapira family immigrated to Israel in 1991, when Haim was five years old. By the time he was six years old, he had learned on his own initiative and out of curiosity to read in Hebrew from a first-grade reading book. His paintings and works were preserved, because he was wonderful to draw and paint with clay, and everything that came out from his hands looked Yaffa and impressive. Haim attended the “Yavnieli” school in Rehovot. During his free time, he learned to play organic music, and sometimes even recorded his playing. He continued his studies in the junior high school and high school “De Shalit” in his city, and despite the difficulties completed a full matriculation. He used to help his mother clean the house and did it very thoroughly. Haim was a sports guy, and in preparation for his military service he used to go out for running in the evenings and to practice at the gym at the Weizmann Institute. He liked to go out for fun with his friends. A month later, on August 5, 2004, Haim enlisted in the 13th Battalion “Gideon” in the Golani Brigade. He was an outstanding soldier, and learned many new things in the IDF, and according to his commanders, he was a disciplined soldier and did his job, and after returning to combat, he returned to his company. During his service in the battalion he participated in operational activity in the Gaza Strip. Due to his precarious marital status, Chaim asked to serve as a sergeant, so that he could help his family, and he was buried at the military cemetery on December 15, He was survived by his parents and brother Alexander

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