Shapira, Alexander

Shapira, Alexander

Son of Marina and Igor. Born on the 1st of Tishrei, October 4, 1986 in Moscow, Russia. In 1996, the family immigrated to Israel and settled in Ramat Gan. He enlisted in the IDF in October 2006, joined the Intelligence Corps, and served as a software architect in the Central Intelligence Unit’s Central Intelligence Unit. In his last months of his life, he participated in a highly prestigious and complex project, the details of which can not be elucidated, his contribution in strengthening the unit’s ability to perform its tasks. A senior academic officer, Alexander Shapira, fell in the course of his duties on the 28th of Kislev, December 15, 2009 at the age of twenty-three. He was laid to rest in the Petah Tikva military cemetery. He left behind parents and a sister.

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