Shankel, Adam

Shankel, Adam

Adam Shankle son of Bronia and Ze’ev, was born in 1920 in the city of Technov, Poland. His father was a well-known lawyer and Zionist leader, and his mother was a doctor. At the age of 14, he was caught in the Zionist idea and was among the Gordonia activists in his city. Adam did not finish high school and immigrated to Israel in 1936. At first, he worked in a training program at Ben Shemen and was one of the founders of the core group. Later, in Herzliya he founded the Shadmot group. Afterward, he was recruited to the Shomrim-Riders organization, and in the Beit Shean valley, he was among the settlers and filled every position there. In addition Adam worked hard on shaping the character of the organization. During the War of Independence, on the 25th of Tamuz, August 8, (1948), Adam and his guys took over the outpost near the Arab village of Samaria. On the slopes of the Gilboa, they had to retreat from enemy fire. Adam led his platoon to one of the hills to barricade himself, but before he arrived he was hit by the enemy’s bullet. He was buried in Avukah. The day after his fall, Samaria was captured. On the 5th of Tammuz 5713 (July 8, 1953), was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. left behind his wife Tova and daughter Tamar.

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