Shani (Schneerson), Haim

Shani (Schneerson), Haim

Son of Pinchas and Bella. Born in Haifa on April 8, 1949. In his youth he was a lively child, teaching the first four years of his elementary school in Daughter of Galim, he was active in the class and was twice elected as a good friend in the class, From the fifth grade his parents moved him to the Reali School where he was interested in the real professions, and he met the school’s educational requirements and proved the opinion of his teachers. “For two years and later in the united movement, he loved sports – he played soccer and hit the ball, especially he loved the sea – swimming in it and diving in it and He will also take first place in a swimming competition at the Hapoel Swimming Pool in Haifa. He belonged to Gadna-Yam when he was a student at the Reali School, tended to do manual labor and did all kinds of things (such as book holders, menorahs, metal etc.) He tended to help his friends out of kindness, And when he graduated from seventh grade he expressed his desire to move to the electronics school because, as noted, he liked the real professions, and then he was transferred to the Naval Electronics Academy, where he was a first student. The boarding school was drafted into the Israel Navy. As mentioned above, he especially loved the sea. He volunteered for the submarine squadron because he felt that this corps would be able to make a big contribution. In June 1967 he was ordained as a diver. At first he served in the “Crocodile” unit, and later, when he was flown to England, he was attached as an electronic technician in the Dakar submarine, where he was Simcha to be there and proud of his service. In his letter to his parents, he noted that he was “in the right place” because “this is exactly what I dreamed of and that is what I love.” But one day, on the way from England to Israel, on the 25th of Tevet 5728 (January 25, 1968) Between Gibraltar and the port, the connection with it was cut off, and the army’s chief rabbinate decided that the date of Chaim’s death, in the course of his duties together with the rest, was on January 30, 1968. Since my life In the book “Six Days in Decker”, Eran Shorer was immortalized by bringing his picture and a memorial to the people of the “Dakar” in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Eran Shorer brings a conversation with him and his friend: “No, that’s not why I volunteered for the submarine. . “A memorial plaque was set up at the military boarding school in Daughter of Galim and bears his name and the name of his friend Amnon Paz, also from the command of” Dakar. “On the thirteenth day of the festival, On 28.5.1999, after years of searching, the INS Dakar submarine was found on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, at a depth of 2,900 meters on its planned sailing route and 250 miles from the port of Haifa. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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