Shane, Nehemiah

Shane, Nehemiah

Son of Batya and Eliezer. When he was four and a half years old, the family moved to Tel Aviv and later moved to Merhavia, where his father began teaching there. He studied at the elementary school in Merhavia and after two years of education his father and his family returned to Jerusalem, where Nehemiah continued his elementary studies at the model school next to the Beit HaKerem Teachers’ Seminary, and completed his high school studies at Kibbutz Ein Harod. He finally found his place as a permanent worker in the metalwork shop where he worked In the summer of 1942, as the German forces moved closer to the borders of Palestine. He joined the Palmach Brigade. He was also involved in operational activities, including the immigration of illegal immigrants to the shores of Palestine, and was one of the commanders who participated in the operation to liberate the operators from the Atlit camp (October 9, 1945). On 18 Sivan, 16/17.6.1946, Palmach units set out to blow up eleven bridges of roads and railroads in eight places in the country, in order to detach them from neighboring countries. Nehemiah headed the Palmach unit to blow up two bridges, the railway bridge and the road bridge, which were leaning on Nachal Akhziv. the unit was hit by fire and thirteen of them were killed by the fire and the railway bridge was destroyed. The bodies of the 13 fallen soldiers were transferred to a grave that was dug in the heart of a monument erected in memory of them at the place of their fall. Kibbutz Ein Harod published a book in his memory. From the words of friends about his character and letters and writings of his writings, his name was also immortalized in the book of the Palmach and more.

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