Shamosh, Moshe

Shamosh, Moshe

Son of Tuvia and Ada. Born in Tel Aviv on 21 July 1939. After completing his studies at the Bialik Elementary School, he studied at the Municipal High School A. He was a youth counselor of the United Movement, to which he belonged He was recruited to the IDF as part of the Nahal Brigade in November 1956. He was a member of the Yahav nucleus and underwent training in Maayan Baruch and Masada, where he set out for a parachute training course and finally arrived at Rosh HaNikra where he hoped to find his home. He came to the group and was sent by his friends for guidance in his movement and spent a year and a half in the “ken” of Kiryat Hayim, where he waited for the day when he would return home to Rosh Hanikra and fulfill his dreams there. He was suddenly called to reserve duty and during the course of his duty, on 9 September 1960, he fell and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. After they fell, his family published a pamphlet in his memory. Some of his pupils in the movement also published a pamphlet in memory of their friend and mentor. In addition, his uncle, Amnon Shamosh, in memory of his nephew Moshe, “who fell on his watch,” dedicated the booklet “The Essenes, the Hadash and the Kibbutz” – a training program for the senior class in the youth movement, In the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Szold Institute, and even in Uri Milstein’s book “Wars of the Paratroopers,” his memory was raised.

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