Shalom, Mordechai

Shalom, Mordechai

Was born in 1925 in the city of Izmir, Turkey, and when his father refused to give him money to buy books, claiming that he needed more shoes, he replied: “I’d better go barefoot as long as I have books.” After completing elementary school, he was forced to enter the labor market immediately, worked in tailoring, earned everything he gave his parents, and left no pennies in. He served in the Turkish army for two years and when he was liberated he joined the ranks of the Jewish underground in Turkey. And immediately joined the Israel Defense Forces and was assigned to the Jerusalem Brigade in a letter to his parents: “I am the happiest person. At last my dream came true. Imagine: I am only among Jews. “He promised them,” In a short time I will bring all of you to Israel. “Mordecai was killed tragically on December 31, 1948 during training in Jerusalem, in the Schneller grove, In a live Arab shell that was lying on the ground, the shell burst and exploded, Mordechai lost his life and was buried in Sheik Bader B. Eight months after his death, his parents arrived in Israel on June 21, 1951. He was put to rest at home – The military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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