Shalom, Jonah

Shalom, Jonah

Son of Yosef and Georgia. He was born on March 7, 1956, in Afula. He studied at the Ohel Meir Elementary School and continued his studies at the ORT vocational high school in Afula. Yona made his childhood in Moshav Beit She’an Valley. As a member of a large-scale agricultural family, he received an education from an early age to the love of working the land and to a life of cooperation and mutual assistance. When he grew older, he maintained close ties with his older brothers and was loved by everyone. In his religious state school, he absorbed the values ​​of Judaism and was ordained by his teachers as a dedicated, obedient and kind boy. Yonah was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in January 1974. After completing basic training, he was sent to a course in the center of the country, where he was able to acquire many friends and was loved by all those around him on Wednesday, May 25, 1974 ) Yona fell while serving in the center of the country. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Afula. Survived by his parents, seven brothers and sisters.

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