Shai, Danor (Dadon)

Shai, Danor (Dadon)

Son of Tzvia and Avraham Dadon, was born on March 4, 1973 in Be’er Sheva, the eldest brother of Ronen and Lenir. “You came into the world,” his parents said, “and at that moment our lives changed. Only then did we know of happiness, joy and love. You were born with a winning card and this is the main reason you have been able to realize your childhood dreams. Later your brother Ronen and Nir were born. We were a close family, happy, loving and warm. There was a special love between you and you were a winning trio … “Zvia and Avraham describe a smiling and charming child, full of sweetness and presence at home, walking barefoot, smiling and mischievous: a wise and human son who gave love, “During his childhood, he studied in the Radak kindergarten and made a strong impression on the kindergarten teacher Martha Rifa:” Among all these wonderful children, a single child with dark curls, special green eyes, a wide and charming smile, Tall, thin, with an indescribable beauty, smart, industrious, brilliant, a special friend, incredibly talented … there was something special and different about him as if a planet Sat on it and told everyone: this child will be a special person. ” Shai studied at the Gevim Elementary School. Noa Salhoub, a sixth-eighth grader, told us about a special student who can not be forgotten: “He had an internal, contagious silence and his presence gave peace to those around him … Shai was very dominant. And the deliberations on daily issues from the lives of the children and the class, while being very sensitive to others, and as a result we used to discuss the shiurim … Around the class, the group was united, educational and social, and often served as a young mediator between groups of children. … and he did not fail, acted out of justice and a broad, long-term vision, not out of the pleasures of the moment And clear goals and Hgsimn … there was no substitute for consistency, thoroughness and hard work, no shortcuts … old shell of a child … at the age of twelve he was a boy with the soul of an adult. ” Sarit, his schoolmate, spoke about a volunteer project in the framework of her studies: “Shai, with an exceptional motivation, decided to help as many elderly as possible … One of his young men used to perform plays with marionettes … Shai immediately told us that something must be done, Marionette … Shai’s determination, kindness and charisma were expressed, as always. ” Between 1988 and 1991 Shai studied at the Air Force Technological School in Be’er Sheva, taking a long-term commitment. He specialized in electronics combined with theoretical studies. His teacher, Maria Stutland, testified that Shai was “different from all, mature, charismatic, and very talented …” Shai studied mathematics himself, in self-employment, which was at a higher level than the class. During his studies in the Technion, Shai volunteered to teach in classes where no instructor in one of the electronics professions came. He also helped his friends to study for matriculation exams, was attentive to everyone who approached him and always aspired to excellence. His classmates were very respectful and respectful, his word had a great deal of weight among his friends, and I, as his teacher, had the pleasure of communicating with him like an adult who already understands you from a glance or half a word, “said Maria. In 1992, he enlisted in the Air Force and was accepted to a pilot course, which he successfully completed in the field of combat helicopters. At the end of an operational training course he began his training as a young pilot in the “Viper” squadron. From 1996-1998 he served as a guide at the Air Force Flight School in Hatzerim and trained the next generation. Shai was considered an excellent guide, an example of his apprentices. His commanders and apprentices saw him as an educatorA leader, leading to professionalism and mutual responsibility. After completing his career in 1999, Shai continued to serve in the Southern Cobra Squadron. He joined the First Fighter Squadron in Palmachim Air Force Base. During his years of service, reserve duty and reserve service, Shay participated in hundreds of operational sorties, Operation Grapes of Wrath in 1996, Operation Tides in 2000, and the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Shai established his status as an excellent and experienced pilot and as a high-quality officer When Shai was appointed to the squadron in his regular service, he met Lihi Knorr, who married and reunited their two family names in the name of their family, and established their family in Rosh Ha’Ayin During his career, Shay studied for a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and science The computer at the Open University, he learned from curiosity and a genuine desire to know, understand, deepen and develop the fields of interest Shai was smart, thirsty and knowledgeable, and he took the OUI pamphlets everywhere and at every free moment he would sit and study, and at the same time he began to study for a second degree in the social sciences and natural sciences, but he did not finish it. After graduating, Shai worked at the high-tech company BVR as a project manager and became a significant player in the company vis-a-vis its customers in important and strategic projects. At the same time, Shai did not give up his hobbies. He was an athlete; in high school he began to play volleyball and as an adult he played for an amateur team, always came to a game of energy and love. He also ran long runs and spent half a year preparing for the Berlin Marathon, which took place two weeks after his death, an experience that awaited her and did not enjoy it. His friends sometimes had a big brother. They told of his amazing talents and qualities, the confidence he had given them, the advice, the modesty, the right to know him. Shai behaved calmly and pleasantly and made no interest in anything. He never complained or complained, he was broad-hearted, loving man and true friend. A man of values ​​and principles, honest and decent. A person with radiant and occupying personality. Always satisfied, looking ahead, beyond the little things. His endless joy of life affected everyone around him. “You’ve always given an optimistic angle to the little problems of life,” his parents said, “or we just got a little tip for life, your voice that calmed us down and made us happy in stormy moments.” Shai knew how to solve problems and crises in a calm and sober way. Shai was an exemplary family member, warm and loving, who placed the house at the top of his priorities and commitments. He was a full partner in raising his five children, to whom he had the greatest love – Roy, Roni, Rotem, Itai and Yali. A proud, involved and caring father who was a role model and admiration. He invested in them, sat with each of them for hours and played with them in challenging games. His children loved to play with him and he rolled with laughter and pleasure on the carpet. When he was with the children, he gave expression to a child in whom no one was happier. He spent the last year and a half of his life with the twins Itai and Yaeli, who had been treating the house for four months. With devotion and love, he played with them and went out with them on trips. Shai liked to travel the country throughout the world, loved the landscapes and paths of the country, loved the land and especially the sky and we bring this love to his children. In most of his pictures he walks with a backpack or a carrier on his back, smiling and his eyes radiant. Shai stood up at every opportunity he was called to the flag, and for this he received great respect and appreciation. He is considered one of the best pilots in his squadron. At 10.9.2008, went on reserve duty. During an operational flight, a rare mishap in Rotor caused the helicopter to crash over Kibbutz Ginegar’s sunflower field in the sunset light, about 10 minutes after the helicopter’s departure from the Ramat David base. Major Shai Danor (Dadon) fell in the course of his duty in operational activity on 10 September 2008. He was buried at the Kiryat Shaul Military Cemetery and was survived by a wife and five children, parents And two brothers, together with Shai, who was killed in the “Cobra” helicopter crash in which they flew, Major Yuval Holtzman. But your character, who you are, and what you have given to your environment, and especially to me and to each of our children, will remain with us forever. The children who were patiently and patiently educated with so much love. You always knew how to give each one his own time. You believed in education for independence, individuality and freedom of choice from a young age. I always knew that my choice of you was amazing. You’re just like I wrote on the gravestone: ‘You are the water, the fire, the air, our land.’ “From the eulogies of the parents : “Thank you for having the privilege to be your parents. We are proud of all that you have created, educated and loved and have been so attentive to all … You have embraced the world and come to many places. Everything you touched became meaningful, grown and lively … sad, weeping, and hurting. The laughter bursts from time to time because we have no sad memories of you. The joy of life that you had embraced and stuck to us even after you left us … We consulted a great deal … about the proper way to continue our lives when the nest in the house emptied. We received your recommendations … You knew how to enter the world of each and every one of us … “Ronen Dadon, his brother:” Shaike – my brother … When I think of him, only one emotion comes to the heart: happiness. When I think about him I’m not sad, I’m happy. I do not know how to tie him to anything other than a smile … His shoulders are pulled back – a forward look and a smile from ear to ear so I knew him, so he raised his children, so he lives his life. : … It was evident that the quiet, the patience, the inner peace and your patience radiate inward to your family and lead to real synergy within it, so you were in the squadron, in training missions in the Combat Training Course or in the squadron. Sitting for hours with the apprentice, remaining the last to interrogate, insisting on getting to the bottom of things and reasons, out of professionalism, tolerance, and especially love. Shai performed about 100 days of reserve duty a year out of faith in the path, purpose and importance. And all this you did quietly, modestly, and understanding the way. The Mishna tells of one of the heroes of King David who, when he was sitting, engaged in the Torah was a delicacy himself as a worm, and when he went to war he would harden himself as a tree. You were like that, a gentle and soulful man. “People from abroad who met him during his work and worked with him, remembered Shai for many years, praised his professional work and the projects he conducted. His friends at VR talked about Shai discussing every subject, which projected power and confidence, his ability to make those around him believe in his own way, to follow him. He knew to cultivate a team, set strict standards of work methods. His involvement reached every detail of the project and he took part in providing solutions. “Even when there were tensions, arguments and difficulties Shai knew how to wrap them in a gift box and always present them with a good word and a smile on his face … a natural manager, real, not perceived as trivial, very purposeful, decisive His mouth and heart were always equal, and when he had to be firm and make sure the missions were done properly, he always did this with a busterTibia is careful while preserving the dignity of others. “In memory of Shay, a website was established at http://www.shaidanor.co.il In addition, an annual game is held in his memory between the volleyball team he played with and the squadron he served in. A commemorative room was established in the Air Force Technical School, and each year a scholarship was awarded to one of the students in the technical school in the field of the sixth field. The ceremony was held in the presence of hundreds of students, parents, teachers, instructors and the principal of the school. Shai’s educator, Miriam Mogilevsky, wrote to his parents: “I was honored to be the teacher of the class Shai attended during his first year of school, and Shai was a genius because of his rapid grasp of abilities. Shai completed a pilot course and became the first pilot to graduate from the technical school in Be’er Sheva I met you and your family during Shai’s studies and then during the difficult hours after Shai was killed, I told you often that after you and your family know who you were, you are wonderful people. Many of you, Shai was “salt of the earth” and you are “angels on earth.” Keep walking the way you go and raise my children You and your grandchildren. ” It is impossible to write about you without seeing you and looking into your smiling, loving green eyes with intense radiation.In the morning you can not see the sunrise and sunset in the morning, the green and green blossoms in the landscape, the winds and the tossing. , You can not hear and look at the blue sky and the foam of the waves and the sky overcast by rain showers in a world full of life and nature, and in the evening a full moon and millions of stars illuminating the darkness You’re lying in a closet, In a wall of stones, over the wall are lots of plants, flowers and trees and lots of green There are colorful butterflies symbolizing your five beloved children, and around you is the sight of a paradise of helpless, helpless heroes. “

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