Shahar, Itai-Nahum
Ben Sarah and Avri. He was born on Friday, 25 October 1971 in Haifa, and grew up in a warm and loving family, where he studied at the Herzl elementary school on Mount Carmel, was a good student and a mischievous child. At the end of his elementary studies, he went on to the Ironi Hey high school on Mount Carmel and from there to the Eliezer Shov vocational high school in Haifa. He began his high school studies in electronics, but with time he became interested in the field of automotive mechanics and went on to study in this field. Itai loved mechanical studies, showed interest in mechanical systems and demonstrated great talent in this field. He graduated with honors and saw his future in this field. In addition to his high school studies, he was active in the Gadna and was active in various sports – tennis, basketball and surfing – which became a serious hobby in which he spent many hours, and surfaced during the holidays, even when the sea was stormy. He has always shown his height and athletic stature, and he has shown courage and determination and has never been afraid of anything, and in early January 1990 he was drafted into the IDF. He served as a mechanic for Merkava in the Ordnance Corps. On the 28th of Elul 5708 (August 28, 1990), he fell during his service in a road accident, and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa, leaving behind his parents and brother Ehud.