Shahar, Eli (Eliyahu)

Shahar, Eli (Eliyahu)

Ben Carmela and Yaakov. Born in Jerusalem on the 11th of Adar Alef 5770 (February 11, 1970), Eli attended the Gilo Elementary School in the junior high school at the Gilo six-year comprehensive school and at the school He was a smart boy who was involved in many hobbies, especially in nature, and always preferred his hobbies and occupations to his studies at the school. He was stationed in the infantry of the Givati ​​Brigade, underwent basic training and was assigned to one of the brigade battalions that was at that time in operational activity along the Lebanese border. Eli continued his combat course in the course of infantry commanders. According to his commander in the course, Eli stood out as one of the best and leading soldiers in the department. Highly motivated, sociable and acceptable among his friends. At the end of the course he received the rank of sergeant and returned to the battalion, which was active in the Golan Heights. His ambition was to continue his combat course in the officers’ course. On the 18th of Heshvan 5711 (18.11.1989) he fell to me in the performance of his duties and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, leaving behind his parents and three brothers – Avi, Alon and Yossi. : “Eli participated in the various tasks assigned to the unit: ongoing security, operational employment in Lebanon. He served in a unit in which soldiers are required to make the most of themselves, and thus we learned to know Eli as a friend and soldier among the best among us. “

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