Shachor, Eliezer

Shachor, Eliezer

Son of David and Rachel. He was born on November 19, 1937 in Rovno, Poland, and as a baby, his parents brought him to Israel. He studied at the Hebrew Gymnasia “Herzliya”. All his ambition was to buy Torah and knowledge, but when the family situation became difficult and the father decided to move to the village, the son gave his hand to his father, worked a day and learned in the evening. He finished high school at evening classes. He would accept any difficult situation, settle for a little without any complaint. Was drafted into the IDF in February 1955. He was ready for any position and filled it with joy and responsibility. Whatever happens. “During the battle for Nitzana, he wrote to his father:” Daddy, I am proud that I, too, take part in repelling the Egyptian invader. Do not worry about me, the ball has an address and I am immune to bullets. “While performing his duties around Mivtahim on the 19th of Tishrei, 5769 (24.9.1956), he fell and was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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